52. O.W.L.s

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"Theo, throw a rock at my head and put me out of my misery" I groaned falling over onto his shoulder while he munched on some toast. today was the first day of our exams. Great.

"well if I did that how would you ever become headmistress of Hogwarts?" he inquired "I don't want to take them either but I need to because I need to prove I'm better than everyone else so they all envy me for years" he shrugged with a goofy smile.

"you don't need to prove your better because we all already know it" I sighed drearily not expecting theo to shove a piece of toast into my mouth.

"you need to eat so you don't die on me" he kissed my temple "I have enjoyed seeing your happiness increase so much over the past day and I'm not letting it end over stress"

"Not cool, Nott" I sputtered swallowing some toast "and you might have to watch it end because I swear I might actually lose my mind over the next two weeks"

"If you lose it, I'll give you mine. you need it more" he rested his head on my shoulder as a letter dropped down from the sky. "Let me guess, your favorite ginger?"

"yes, Theo it is" I blushed, opening the purple envelope.

"He likes purple, he always uses it"

"It's his favorite color- oh hey guys" I shoved the letter in my pocket seeing Adrian and Blaise sit down in front of us followed by a very tense Audrey and a very sickly-looking Danielle.

"Hey" they mumbled as if they weren't even here, I assumed it was due to our exams. Adrian had his N.E.W.T.s and the rest of us had our O.W.L.s.

"Please kill me" Lee whined coming up behind me and squeezing onto the bench. "I can't do this, I cant I cant I cant, im about to pull a Weasley"

"Ah yes leave us all in utter despair why don't you" I smiled handing him a bagel which he munched on sadly.

"What are you trying to get anyways? Score wise" Theo asked while trying to keep Blaise from stealing his food.

"Anything that is passing, I don't care as long as I pass them all"

"Such high hopes" Adrian mocked "you need to aim bigger, where's your ambition?"

"I'm not a Slytherin" he groaned "if you haven't noticed I wear red"

"Oh we have noticed, you've contaminated our table" Blaise shooed him.

"Rosalie, please be nice to me" he frowned plopping his head into my arms while I gently caressed his arm

"If you all don't start being nice to him I will make you regret it" I grumbled at the group who all seemed too focused on their food or flash cards.

"Thank you" he smiled gently. I could tell today was going to be a long, long day.

Let's say, it was in fact a very long day. I groaned before face-planting into the black leather couch in front of the windows. The giant squid was swimming by.

Hi Timothee I said using the sign language I had picked up over the past few months.

Ello wonky girl, Timothee was his own version of nice, he didn't chat much seeing as he was already swimming away.

"Bloody squid" I murmured into the couch and felt my sore feet throb. Today was theory of charms and I was thankful it wasn't history, I might've taken a swim like a dad. Yeah, I'm using humor to cope, leave me alone.

"Did you scam any more fifth and seventh years yet?" Adrian taunted plopping down beside me.

"How many times do I have to tell you" I grunted lifting my upper body up to look at him, "just because some people are scamming others with things doesn't mean I am, my products all work!" 

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now