50. Guilt

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My ears were pounding as I dropped down onto the grass of the pitch, the stadium above almost didn't feel real due to the booming roar pulsing through my skull. it didn't matter that the booming roar was in fact the cheering crowd.

I didn't feel the impact of Theo, Adrian, and Blaise who all engulfed me into a hug, I didn't feel anything other than pure relief, the stress was gone and we had won. I was only brought out of my trance when I saw something- someone across the pitch.

Jackson Paisley was almost yelling out his feelings to Luna Lovegood due to the echo of the pitch overpowering his voice, but I assumed it went well because almost a second after, she was smiling due to him pressing a small kiss on her cheek. Jackson finally got the girl he had been obsessing over for months, Slytherin had won the quidditch final, and I didn't feel like shit. it was a good day.

"Rosalie you did it!" Theo yelled into my ear while I finally clutched my arms around his torso, I looked over his shoulder to see Adrian and Blaise smiling broadly with sweaty foreheads, they were the best damn chasers I could've asked for.

"Rosalie!" someone yelled in the distance clutching a giant trophy cup and practically dropping it as he got closer. "Rosalie you stupid, stupid, git!" lee yelled shoving Theo to the side and dropping the cup engulfing me into a hug, I laughed and lee held me tighter, "the bloody ginger is gone for a month and you do suicidal quidditch moves, you idiot!"

"calm down, I'm fine, truly im okay!" I reassured with a smile.

"ouch" Theo groaned rubbing his ribs and looking at lee, the awkward tension nobody else would notice due to them, well, not being able to read emotions, was very prominent in my eyes while Theo was still looking at Lee intently.

"oh- sorry!" lee laughed hugging Theo awkwardly "er congrats on winning! I need to go write Fred now, bye!" and with that, lee had run off leaving the quidditch cup sitting at the three chasers and keepers' feet.

Nobody said anything as Blaise picked it up and placed it into mine and Theo's hands, while Adrian yelled into the large crowd, "to the best damn captains Slytherin has ever had!" Blaise and Adrian swept under us and hoisted the two of us up onto their shoulders while we held the cup up together with pride.

Jackson, Draco, and Graham had all joined us as we screamed out in victory. I could see the whole of Gryffindor clapping for us over in the distance, well other than Ron who looked a little sad, I was wondering where Harry and Hermione were.

after being tossed around a bunch I finally got down off of their shoulders and toppled over hitting the ground, but I had my mind set on something, and we all know how that goes. I tossed the quidditch cup into Theo's hands and started sprinting off to the Gryffindor team.

I wasn't close with Ron by no means, but I had been dating his brother for almost six months now, and his best friend was practically my brother. so I didn't want him to feel upset, I ran right up to him and without thinking I gave him a big hug. "you did wonderful, Ron!" I congratulated him while pulling away from his very flustered cheeks. "do you even realize how many shots of mine you caught? and even the ones that got by were the hardest work I think I've ever done, do you know what that means Ronald? that you did outstanding!"

"outstanding?" he asked in confused shock "but we lost-"

"but you still did wonderfully" Angelina johnson confirmed as she slung her arm around him, "win or lose we had fun and you showed how good you can truly do, be proud of yourself Ron."

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now