15. the aftermath (under editing)

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I walked behind snape in silence the entire way to the castle, my hands were throbbing in pain to the point i could barely move them, i tried my best to ignore it but it was simply no use. i walked slower than usual not being able to keep up from exhaustion. 1 from playing a full game, 2 from beating the shit out of Draco.

"Miss Black?" snape interjects interrupting my thoughts as we walked up the stairs "what on earth possessed you to do such vile cruel things to Mr Malfoy?" he snarled

"I was the vile one? I was the cruel one? really? I think you should be asking him that same question, just instead of 'Mr Malfoy it would be miss black" i snapped back "i haven't done anything wrong"

"nothing wrong? nothing wrong?" he says shocked "well I would call what you did back there something wrong."

"maybe you should tell him to keep his filthy mouth shut and not shame people for things they can't control, only a sick person makes fun of the dead." I don't think I've ever sounded so disgusted.

"hm, very well." snape said cooly stopping in front of a large stone gargoyle before muttering quietly, the gargoyle began to spin revealing a large stone staircase. "up," he instructed. obeying, I stepped onto a stair allowing myself to be lifted upward. "the headmaster will determine your expulsion."

"What?" I ask making my voice crack. "expulsion? I shouldn't be expelled for what he-"

"quiet," he said harshly. scoffing I rolled my eyes as the staircase come to a stop and stepped out, I followed professor snape down a small stone corridor with a rather large wooden door at the end which read 'headmasters study'.

we walked in immediately and I was instructed to sit down by professor snape when professor dumbledore appeared from the second floor of his study, I immediately gulped scared of what was about to happen.

"ah Miss Black," he said with a calm smile "care for a lasagne? chocolate frog?" he says opening a small glass jar. "I sure do love a good chocolate frog, do you aspire to be on one, one day?"

"no thank you," I say flatly, I didn't want to come across as rude but it was terribly difficult. "and well er- i suppose so?" the idea didn't seem half bad, i mean i would be something kids around the world would want to collect.

"you suppose so?" he asks walking down to me. "well I think we need a better answer than that." he smiles sitting down. "before we start this, I would like to inform you that you have not and will not be expelled"

i let out a breath id didn't even know I was holding, I wasn't going to be expelled and I would be able to stay with my friends. "thank you, professor"

"I need to know if you would like professor snape to stay. he is your head of house so it is up to you." i looked over at snape and nodded, snape may be a bitch but he has helped me when I needed it. "i want to know what happened from your perspective. I have been informed by onlookers many of them say that what you did to Mr. Malfoy was his own fault, but I need to hear both sides of this story. you will be punished of course but that punishment will either lessen or worsen depending on Mr. Malfoy's explanation when he is able to talk."

"I can tell you what happened, you could even use veritiserum on me I have nothing to hide." well I did have one thing to hide but I don't think dumbledore would expose me and if he did well he's a little shit.

"that won't be necessary" dumbledore instructed, "just tell me the story."

I sighed, I was going to have to say the vile things he said out loud and I didn't know if I was even able to do it. "I flew down to the pitch to congratulate the Gryffindors on their win, I mean I have friends on the Gryffindor team and I was proud of them but when I landed I heard Draco ranting on about something so I went to go see what happened." I looked up at dumbledore my lip quivering slightly, "he was upset about losing I assumed, and he was going on about the song they created, and I would sure like to know why none of you stopped them!" I raised my voice slightly. "I mean how could you let them humiliate Ron like that? anyway, that isn't the point, he was talking about adding lyrics to insult Mr and Mrs Weasley, so I stepped in telling him to shut his mouth and that we've lost." I stopped, I didn't know how to say it back, how was I supposed to say this back?

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now