56. A New Heir

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"SIRIUS!" I bellowed running up after him but before I could I felt arms wrap tightly around my body, I cried, I kicked, and screamed to the point my lungs could have given out.

"Dad!" I cried again hitting and swatting the arms that held me back. I wouldn't let this happen, I would get him back. I am not losing Sirius.

"he's gone Rosalie" Adrian's voice croaked "He's gone, I'm so sorry-"

"NO!" I yelled ignoring logic "HE - IS - NOT - GONE!" I was now thrashing like a wild animal hearing Bellatrix's echoing laughs, Remus held Harry who was also trying to get to Sirius with no luck.

Oh, Remus. Another one of his friends was dead. Not just his friend but his lover...

"SIRIUS COME BACK!" I was bawling barely able to stand, I was furious, I was in pain, not just from my own but from everyone else's. it had happened again. 359 days ago Cedric diggory died. now Sirius Black had died.

I was left alone once again.

"Please! Dad!" my voice became an almost whimper of grief while I let myself slowly sit down with Adrian.

That's when I heard it. heard her.

"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!" Bellatrix giggled wildly running out through a weird cave in the wall. she was not getting away with this. I wouldn't allow it.

as if Harry and I had been on the same page he sprung forward bounding out of Remus's arms and after Bellatrix and in through the cave as well. I jabbed my elbow into Adrian's side and threw my leg backward hitting him in the groin before running off after Harry and Bellatrix. I ignored the screams behind me.

"you comin' to get me?! haha- AHH!" Bellatrix screamed up ahead, Harry had gotten up to her. Harry wouldn't be able to hurt her, not truly.

the cave closed in slightly before widening up and revealing itself to be the Ministry of magic atrium and in the middle was Harry standing over Bellatrix who cackled from below. "you have to mean it Harry!" she mocked with a pout not even seeing me approach from behind shoving Harry out of the way.

"yeah?" I questioned full of rage going to pull out my wand that was not there, oh well, "Well I mean it!" I roared. Suddenly she began to twitch.

all I could think of was how much pain I wanted this woman to feel, how I wanted to see her body writher like a dead plant, how I wanted to hear the screams of agony erupt from her mouth. I didn't want her to die, I wanted her to suffer, long and painfully.

I wanted her to feel the things she did to Neville's parents, I wanted her to feel the torment I feel, I wanted her to beg for mercy just for me to never give it to her.

I was torturing Bellatrix,

with no wand or words,

I simply did it and smiled at her pain.

"I smashed it" I said making the torture get worse.

"I smashed the prophecy your dear old tom was so keen to get ahold of, I smashed it. you failed, and now you will face his wrath and not just mine." my face was red with anger, my eyes looked those of a mad woman, and Harry hadn't stopped me. he sat on the ground in shock.

"very... well... bellatrix..." a cold drawing voice said peering out of the shadows. Voldemort.

bellatrix whimpered and this time not from the pain but from the fear of what her master would do. I laughed, "You know, you snake-eyed cunt?" I said turning to Voldemort with no fear, I was surprised i wasn't a Gryffindor right now.

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now