vii. stars--khonshu

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i love moon knight so much oh my god and i especially love the petty icon khonshu so here we go 

also a disclaimer before this starts--this is written before all the episodes are released and I don't know too much about how avatars are chosen (mcu or comics) so this is going to have many a creative liberty in it

Khonshu has been wandering for a while, lonely since Marc's death and Layla's abandonment. He hates to admit it, but the humans were his best friends and now he has no one. The gods don't care, no humans can see him so he can't even just scare anyone like he used to.

To be blunt, the god fears that his influence is gone. The stars, now his best company, even feel dimmer, as if they too have decided to slowly make an irish exit from his life. 

Tonight is yet another lonely night, but it feels even stronger. It could be that the full moon is amplifying Khonshu's growing sadness, or perhaps just mirroring it. Regardless, Khonshu feels the need to saunter about tonight. Maybe a strong breeze out of nowhere will get a rise out of some teenagers telling ghost stories. 


You love full moons. You've always felt some indescribable connection to the moon and the beautiful stars. It never felt worth it to try to communicate that to them; they're not alive, but the connection is there. It's there when you're staying up too late reading or drawing or making jewelry. It's there when you're out late with your friends and having fun.

It's especially there tonight, a cozy early spring night. Your parents are on a business trip, meaning you have the whole house to yourself for a few days. You decide to go outside and hang out in the little backyard behind your house.

It's such a pretty and clear night. All the stars are shining and the moon is bright, illuminating the ring you are carefully weaving together. A few citronella candles sit on the corners of the blanket you're sitting on as you hum along to quiet music playing on your phone. 

You feel so cozy as a light breeze comes through and you have a main character moment looking up at the moon as your *hair length* hair floats in the wind. 

Then you hear footsteps behind you. 

 "Sh*t," startled, you drop the ring you're making and look over your shoulder, expecting to see your parents or something, but instead you see some mummy looking bird guy crouched on your roof. 

"Whoah, what the hell," you flinch as the creature looks down at you. 

You can see me? , you hear in your head. 

"What?" you rub your forehead, wondering if you're hearing or seeing things.

Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you.

"Is that you?" you ask the creature. 

Yes it is. My name is Khonshu. I am the god of the moon.

"Yeah, I've heard of you in myths," you humor the "god". You pinch yourself to see if this is a dream. Sure enough, you're awake.

What's your name?

"Uhhhh, Y/n," you reluctantly answer. Khonshu jumps off the roof of your house and takes a step closer to you. 

It is good to meet you, Y/n.

"Likewise, I guess?"

Do you mind if I join you? I have been terribly lonely and it is quite unique that you are able to see me.

"Well, it depends. Are you going to kill me?" you raise an eyebrow.

I mean no harm, Khonshu shakes his head.

You think for a second, studying the god before you shrug one shoulder and wordlessly lead him back to the blanket you were lounging on before.

A few minutes of silence pass as you finish the ring and begin another one, twisting the wire into an ankh shape before pushing an ankh bead on it. You look over at Khonshu next to you, staring up into the moon.

"Pretty night, isn't it?" you smile, turning your focus on your ring.

Yes, it is. I have seen so many nights.


I remember every one. They are all beautiful, but I like the full moon the most. 

"I do too," you nod. 

It's not as blinding as the sun and somehow safe. The world is more peaceful at night.

"It is. It's just more comfortable."

You don't notice as Khonshu looks down at you and wonders how you can communicate without him having selected you to be his avatar. He pauses and considers something.

Y/n, can I make you an offer?

"I'm not giving you my soul," you smirk.

No, I don't need your soul. I need something worse.

You cock your head to the side in confusion. 

In exchange for being my voice and presence on earth, I would protect you with my own life. You would be my avatar.

"What do you mean your voice? Like lead your cult or something?"

I don't need worshippers. I need, heh, an avenger, so to speak.

"The Avengers fell apart years ago."

Ah, but wouldn't you like to be the next Moon Knight?

"Huh? I've never heard of that one," you question.

Moon Knight is not that kind of avenger, Y/n. Moon Knight is strength for the vulnerable.

Now this...this you can get behind. 

You know all the risks and the trauma and everything else that goes with being a hero of sorts, but imagining yourself as the Moon Knight (even though you had next to no idea who that was) is appealing. Heroing is said to be rewarding after all. 

You take a breath, checking yourself before you wreck yourself.

"Can you give me some time to think about it?" you request.

Take as long as you need, Khonshu nods. In the meantime, I must depart. Take care, Y/n.

"I'll see you around, Khonshu," you flash a smile at the god.


hope you liked it! i absolutely love moon knight so if you have any MK requests give em to me :)

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