ridiculous crossover episode ix

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something i really like about these is that usually the ideas come to me right before i go to sleep and evolve when im eating breakfast the next morning, just an interesting pattern i've noticed

anyway, today's crossover is star trek x transformers! now, i know IDW did this like 5 years ago, and i'm pretty sure i've even written an st x tf crossover, but i genuinely think that these two fit in the same universe. they just really work together imo

"Data, what planet is up ahead?" Capt. Picard asks as the Enterprise approaches the end of the breadcrumb trail they've followed for a few days. 

"I am not certain, though it appears to be largely mechanical," the android replies. "Initiating scans."

"Captain!" Wesley on the other console alerts the crew of a Ferengi ship up ahead. 

"Mr. Worf, open hailing frequencies, be ready to go to yellow alert," Picard commands. 

With no hesitation or communication, the Ferengi ship begins to fire onto the Enterprise. The Enterprise shakes a bit with each impact. 

"Shields up, go to yellow alert," Picard calls. 

"Aye, sir," Worf replies. 

"Sir...," Data and Wesley get the Captain's attention as a giant mechanical dragon throws itself onto the Ferengi ship. The Ferengi desperately try to fire at the dragon, but it attacks most of their weapon banks and bites off a massive chunk of their engine. 

"What the hell is that?" Riker stands up and approaches Wesley's console. 

"It appears to be a robotic dragon, sir," Data answers. 

At some point, one of the Ferengi phaser banks aims at the dragon's shoulder and sends a perfect shot into it, seemingly with enough force to send it reeling back down towards the planet. 

"Oh my god," Wesley mutters as the dragon's reeling also pushes the ship back. 

"Could it be that that was what sent us on this breadcrumb trail?" Riker asks. 

"Quite possibly, Commander," Data says. "I scanned the being, and the signals it gave off are the same as the one we have been following."

"Then we've gotta get down there. That thing just saved our asses."

Captain Picard calls for an away team of Riker, Dr. Crusher, Troi, Wesley, Data, and LaForge. They beam down onto the planet to find the massive dragon unconscious on the metal ground of the planet, the wound on its shoulder smoking and leaking a glowing blue liquid. The same liquid is slowly dripping out of its mouth and between vertebrae joints on its back.

"Jesus, this thing is huge," LaForge mutters as he runs his fingers over the metal plates. 

"I'm sensing something very powerful from it," Troi moves close to the head, hesitantly resting her hand between the eyes.

"Interesting. It looks like metal, but my tricorder readings say that there is some actual tissue within it," Dr. Crusher says, scanning around the wound and chest. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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