more father headcanons--slipknot

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a/n: back again with these

Sid Wilson--

-you both have walked in on each other doing incredibly weird shit and choose to ignore it 

-arguing about the best transformers

-is your wingman and tells you that anyone who makes eye contact and small talk with you when they don't have to is into you

Joey Jordison--

-will take pottery classes with you

-occasionally you move parts of his drums a few inches from their normal positions. Just enough for Joey to notice and for it to be a bit inconvenient, but not enough for him to suspect anyone moving them and instead thinking he must have fucked up the positioning 

-he steals your claw clips

-making fun of his hair on humid days when it gets frizzy

Bonus! Jay Weinberg--

-paints with you! he loves to sit on the floor of the living room and paint for hours with a sitcom playing in the background

-he's incredibly calm and gentle 

-will listen to lofi with you

-if he finds you taking a nap around the house, he'll find a blanket and spread it over you and tuck you in a bit

Paul Gray--

-definitely taught you how to tie a tie

-he'd totally listen to all the gossip you hear at work or at school or wherever

-ruffling your hair a lot

Chris Fehn--

-gets you a tummy ache survivor shirt

-low key confused on what to do when you're on your period but he'll at least bring you snacks

-he's got a secret stash of a specific kind of trail mix. I just know he does

-does not understand memes

Jim Root--

-he's got the same kind of anxiety as you, with similar triggers, so he's got a good radar for when you're overwhelmed and a substantial amount of knowledge on how to help you

-occasionally throwing guitar picks at each other 

-"Dad, i think i wanna try out the bass."

-"No you don't."

-"I think I do, actually."

-"No. No, you don't," he replies while pulling a jacket on.

-"I do...what are you doing?" you ask.

-"Let's go somewhere."

-he drives you to a local instrument store

-"Do you need new strings or something?"

-"We're getting you a bass," your dad smiles and pats your back.

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