ridiculous crossovers episode iii

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a/n: im going to use gender neutral pronouns and descriptors again--sorry that I stopped doing that!

todays crossover is ghost and a ghoul from the 60s

I do hope I live to see the day

"Swiss, I am never letting you near the magic section of the library again," Copia grunts as he pushes himself off the ground. 

"Oh, try me. You didn't care that I was unsupervised," Swiss stumbles to his feet and helps Aether next to him. Mountain stands easily before he kneels down to grab Dewdrop and pull him up. Dewdrop tends to Rain next.

"What the...," the ghouls hear a strange voice from a few feet away to see a figure on a porch.  "What the fuck are you?"

The figure pauses as Copia takes a few steps toward them with his hands raised. 

"You're not human...," they continue, leaning forward to study the ghouls before them, which reveals your whole face. 

Mountain stalks over to Copia and pulls him backward. 

"You're a ghoul," you mutter with wide eyes. "You all are...except you." You motion to Copia.

"How do you know?" Dewdrop raises an eyebrow. You switch your focus to him. 

"I'm a ghoul too," you reply. "Do you know where you are?"

"Honestly, no. Swiss brought us here and we don't know what's going on," the fire ghoul points at Swiss. 

You give the group a confused look before you turn around to look back into the house you emerged from. "I don't think anyone else is here. It's cold out, come in."

You introduce yourself to the group when you get in the building, which the ghouls soon find out is Abbey Road Studios. 

"You work for the Beatles?" Copia asks with wide eyes.

"It's 1965, sir. The only purpose ghouls serve is bodyguarding humans," you answer with a sad smile. "Clearly you can go out in your regalia in your time. Where do you come from?"

"We're from the Ministry in Sweden. In 2023," Mountain replies. 

"A Ministry?" you ask.

"You don't have one now?" Dewdrop inquires. 

"Dewdrop, any ghoul that isn't killed on sight once they're found out lives a life in hiding...or body guarding."

"They killed, uhm, kill, ghouls?"

"No satanist is safe. I'm glad to know they are in 2023."

"We're actually kind of well known," Swiss laughs. 

"Really?" you smile. 

"We're musicians," Mountain nods. "I play the drums."

"Lead guitar," Dewdrop adds. 

"I'm the bass player," Rain raises his hand a bit. 

"Backup guitar," Swiss contributes.

"Backup vocals," Aether nods. "And that poser is the frontman." Aether points to Copia.

"Yes, that's me," the papa smiles at you. 

You're speechless for a second. They all look so happy. They're not afraid of themselves. They have a Ministry, a sanctuary for Satanists. 

"I do hope I live to see the day when I can be in your Ministry," you hum. 

"If it's 1965, you only have to wait another 20 years," Mountain comforts you. 



"When will you be summoned?"

"Not until the 2010's, and that goes for many of us," Dewdrop answers.

"Damn. Well do you need help returning to 2023?" you ask. "If there's one thing multi-ghouls in my era have on you, it's being able to manage a time spell."

Swiss rolls his eyes as you reach a book off a shelf and begin tracing a circle with chalk from your pocket. Your hands tremble a bit as you look at the spell in the book for reference and continue drawing the circle, soon to be portal, for the ghouls. 

"How did you learn that?" Swiss gapes, grazing his fingers over the circle. 

"I've done a lot of trying to find myself in another time where I am accepted," you shrug. "It just takes practice."

You mutter a few words in latin to give the circle a purple glow and activate the portal. 

"Hurry now, I don't want to burn another hole in the wall," you encourage the posse. Swiss gives you a brief look of hesitation as he approaches the portal. 

"I'll find you again to teach you all the spells I know soon enough," you smile. "Go."


this was a far cuter concept in my head than it was in execution but at least i wrote something

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