A/N: Hi there! Let us begin anew!

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Hello, lovely readers! It is I, T-Lizzo, signing in to let you know that I am alive and revising this book as we speak! I'm making very slow progress with the revisions, but the reason why I'm coming on here is because I started having some thoughts about this book and my backlog of requests/original content waiting to be written for this book. And I would like to be honest with you all about those thoughts, if you'll all allow me to do that. Therefore, allow me to relay to you all, my lovely readers, what was going through my mind as I began to start wondering if I should come back to this book and upload it.

So, as you all know, I've been revising this book because for every chapter I posted, I never took the time to revise and edit my work. Why did I do this, you may ask yourselves? And that question is completely valid because I would ask myself the same question every day looking back on how I started. But looking back on it as I started revising the very early pages up until now, I think what I was worried about was lagging too far behind in content that you could read. By doing this, I wasn't taking the time to produce quality content for you all that I wanted you to read.  And for that, I apologize to all of you lovely readers who have asked me for a request and still haven't gotten one from me. I have the list ready to go, and I shall make moves to get those requests done as soon as I am able to do so! Once I do that, everyone that got a request from me that I can find will get a personalized message from me letting them know that their request is done and they can read it. Again, to those who have an outstanding request for this book that I haven't written, I truly apologize for taking forever and a day to get your stories done!

Now, what is the plan for this book going forward? After careful internal deliberations and some discussions with other amazing writers who I call my friends-you know who you are and I thank you so much for your help!-I've decided to start updating this book again with both new content that I've come up with and some of the backlog of existing oneshots for you to read. Requests are still closed for this book, however, since I don't want to keep anyone waiting for stories any more than I have been. So, my plan for this book will be as follows: I'm going to keep revising this book and post those revised chapters when they're ready to go live. I am also going to upload one request/original story in between each round of revisions so I don't lag too far behind. I have no clue if this is going to be the right path for this books but I'm going to try it and see what happens! If it doesn't work, I'll post another author's note to let you know what the new schedule is. I'm also going to apologize in advance if I end up not sticking to the current upload schedule I laid out above. I'm notoriously really bad with sticking to a schedule when I set one, but I'm going to make a conscious effort to stick to this schedule that I've laid out and make sure that this book gets content out as regularly as I can physically do. And if I can keep this schedule intact, then I'm going to make sure that I keep it up for any other books that I upload to this site.

I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read this rather long author's note and who have supported this book since its inception. You all are truly amazing people and I'm so honored to know you and talk to you if I have had the chance to do so. I am now going to shut up and get back to work on this book and on the requests for my other book so I don't start lagging behind in those books as well. I love you all so much, and until my next post, this is T-Lizzo signing off! Ta-ta for now! :) :D

Twilight Preferences and Imagines! (Requests are Closed! :) )Where stories live. Discover now