3.VIP room!

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Third person POV

Present time

The Greens entered a luxury restaurant, to meet with the King family . They were guided to a VIP room , the decoration amazed them.

Haily winked at Hope "look! This is all my future husbands" 

Rose laughed at her daughter "Hope partner will be as rich so quit showing off to her " 

Hope was upset because it just hit her that her family won't take David with an ordinary job. 

She was thinking of a way to convince her family to accept David. when she noticed they had already reached the special room that was arranged for them and the Kings were waiting for them.

The king's family stood up out of respect and everybody started chatting to each other. Shortly the room was full of their laughter, but Hope was somewhat uncomfortable. 

She could feel Hades gaze on her!

Haily tried her best to get his attention. She gave her hand to Hades so he would kiss it but he threw her hand and sat on his seat.

The VIP room

Hope POV.

I looked at everyone in the room hopeing that Someone would save me from this man's judging glare, I just realised that everybody was staring at me! What's going on? Did I wear inappropriate clothes again? Damn, I should've taken the grey dress instead 

They should be looking at Haily the bride! Not me.

Hades POV.

Damn, look at my future wife. She is fucking gorgeous. How I wish I could have her right here on this table like there is no tomorrow.

"It's great to see Hope dress like a lady" I smirked at her, everyone laugher made her uncomfortable,
I could feel her blushing , so cute.

"But she cannot be prettier than me, I was born like this. I'm a lady with class." the annoying Haily made fun of my Hope.

How did they end up with this plan?  this annoying bitch and I ? No way.

I entirely ignored her existence . my dad started talking to cover up my rudeness
"I asked the server to bring all the special food they have on the menu, but before food arrives, please enjoy the appetisers in front of you"

Dad must be happy that I decided to get married.

Third person PV.

Everyone was enjoying the appetisers, but Hope stopped eating. It was her favourite food, but since it tasted weird. She paused eating . After one bite.

Henry and Hades looked at each other nervously because they thought Hope was mad, "why don't you eat Hope , you almost broke my head over this food when we were kids , now you don't eat it?" Hades teased her again.


7 year old Hope was playing with 10-year-old Hades.

Hades was chasing after Hope around the yard , when Kate brought some sandwiches for them "hey kiddos come and eat"

Hades was so hungry, so he took the only chicken sandwich on the plate , the rest were pork meat which Hope didn't like and that made the little Hope mad.

"why did you pick my sandwich? I won't play with you" by that she rushed off but Hades didn't want to let her go because she was his only friend, so he ran hugging her. In this pushing and pulling game , Hades fell down.

This unfortunate accident  caused his head to hit the rock.

As the grass was turning red, Hope cried and escaped to her house. which was next to the King's house.

After that Hope always kept her distance with Hades. She received a harsh punishment from both her mom and dad for hurting the boss's son; she couldn't get out of her room for a month.

The trouble she got into was too much for a 7 year old girl and for her , Hades was equal to punishment. So, their friendship changed, it was full of Hades clinging to her and she was running away because she was scared she would do or say something that would cause trouble for her.

End of flashback

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