Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
A Young Prince

This story is about a royal family of skeletons.
Back in 1300 and 'till today, the most powerful monsters are the skeletons. Because of that, they led their own kingdoms.

The kingdom we will be hearing about is "Undervill". A king and a queen ruled it. They had three children: Genosis, Freshermin, and Error.
After their death from the war between humans and monsters, Genosis was crowned and took over the kingdom. He ruled it pretty well, earning some war victories; support from other kingdoms and his people were loyal to him.

But in 1789, in wintertime, he fell ill. They didn't know the cause of it nor how to cure it. It was like a scar, fading a bit, but it was still there.
Until he was better, Freshermin had to take over. These are the terms, of course, but Freshermin wasn't really "ready" to rule over. He wasn't as experienced and knowledgeable as Genosis was. No, he was a starter. Often he would make simple mistakes and would take the wrong action. Nobody cared tho. They knew Genosis was going to be better and take over yet again..but... that's what they least...

Error's pov:
It was a sunny day. Soon it would be spring. I didn't mind that ... but I couldn't just stand by when my brother, Geno, was still in that darn medical wing. It's been one month(tomorrow will make it a whole) and he still hasn't recovered! What on earth are these 'doctors' even doing? I was mad and I had the right to be! I mean, if your close one fell ill and you couldn't do anything for them, you would be angry too!

I stood up from my bed, placing the book on it. It was quite interesting. I walked out and was greeted by my butler.

We then proceed straight to the medical wing to see Geno. Surely today they had some sort of an answer to why he was still in bed! Right? I thought to myself...

I ordered my butler to stay outside the door and then went in. Geno was lying on the bed, half awake and half asleep. Clearly, he couldn't get that much sleep last night.
I went to sit on his bed. He smiled at me and asked, "Hey bro, how are you?"

Is he seriously asking ME that question?? "sigh, I'm fine, how are you? Getting better?" He didn't respond for a sec.
He wasn't. Actually, I think he was getting sicker...

A week ago he could've sat up on the bed, but now...he's just.. laying down..
"I'm fine, Error! No need to worry! You know how easily I get sick..from a kid 'till now, I haven't changed haha..." He coughed a bit, still smiling.

I hated that. I hated seeing him like this.

It was clear that the illness was worsening but he just can' won't admit it.. he couldn't.. If he would do so, I would've probably been worrying myself to the point I too get sick. It was true though...and I knew..

"Anyway, how is Fresh doing? Has he been getting the hang out of it?" Geno asked. I looked away from him.

"Y-yeah...sure..." I didn't dare to look at him. He would know if I'm lying and that's because he was my older brother.

I love him so much but I just couldn't admit that the kingdom was falling a bit..
We stayed silent for a bit until a stupid bird hit its head on the window.
We laughed a bit. Was it a coincidence? Or was it pure luck? Haha..we would never know.

"Pfft what a dumba*s bird" I laughed.

"Error, language..but yes.." Geno scolded me.

"Have you already read your books, Geno? I see there are a lot on your nightstand. Shall I bring new ones from the Royal Library?" I asked and there really were all the books me and Fresh gave him. I'm not surprised though. He often reads whenever he's bored.

He got it from our mother, probably because she would read to us every night.

"That would be lovely but please do tell our brother, Fresh, to not give me horror books...Last night I couldn't sleep because of it..haha" He laughed nervously..

That damn idiotic skeleton! I told him NOT to put a horror book in the pile..sigh.
"I'll know he is. (Idiotic as ever)" I said.

Geno tried to stand up, I helped him, of course. He then hugged me.
"Error, thank you for being my brother. I-I know our parents left when you were only 6..and I took over at 17...but please try to help your other brother. He needs you right now. You may not see it but he too loves you dearly and he's trying his best to protect our village and you..." I stood there, not saying anything.

I just ..have a feeling he's not telling me something.. something VERY important. Why would he be saying this now of all times?

I pulled out of the hug. Looking directly into his eyes, dead serious "Geno, what are you not telling me?"

He stood there. "G-Geno?" I asked once again.

"Error, please go check on your brother. I think he was calling you an hour ago." He said.

I stood up from the bed and went to the door. Before leaving, I looked at him once again. He smiled at me and waved. Something was clearly wrong..Why won't he just tell me?
I walked out of the room, the butler still near the door.

"M'lord, your brother, Fresh, is calling you"

"Alright, thank don't need to follow me, I'll be fine" He nodded and left. I then proceeded to the throne room.
Chapter 1 - finished!
Chapter 2 - coming out soon! :)

So sorry if the grammar is trash :(

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