Chapter 39

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Chapter 39
A Meeting Between Lords

Writer's pov:
A day has passed since then. Ink and Error were able to face each other without feeling flustered. Dream had been keeping quiet (in other words not teasing them). Blue and Outer, however, were still absent.
Blue was with the villagers. Outer was with his friend.
Overall nothing big happened that day.

The next day, however, something big happened. No, there wasn't an attack, more like a meeting between leaders. Yes, a meeting with leaders. Which leaders? Leaders from wizard villages and a specific kingdom we'd grown to know.

Dream had asked Error and Ink to summon King Freshermin while Blue and Outer summoned the other leaders of wizard villages. He was going to propose a deal to them.

And now, here they were. The king of Undervill, six wizard village leaders and him, sitting in a meeting room. Dream stood up and started the meeting. "Welcome, everyone. I'm terribly sorry for summoning you so suddenly but I must inform you of a potential threat to all of you."

One of the leaders scoffed and rudely interrupted him. "What threat? I have not heard of such a thing."

"Yes, I imagined you would not..." Dream trailed off before continuing, " see, it's-"

"Well, it would not matter anyway. If you are taking care of it there is no need to worry." The monster interrupted him again. He coughed and casually drank his wine.

Dream sighed and pinched his non-existing nose. "That's the problem, sir Reginald. I won't be able to deal with it alone. I need your companionship to stop him."

"Him?" Fresh asked, leaning closer to the table. "I don't think ya mentioned who that person was."

"I must've forgotten, my apologies." Dream apologized then continued, "The 'threat' I'm talking about is a skeleton, covered in some kind of black liquid. He's a sorcerer, like most of us, but a lot stronger. Probably an equal to me." He recalled the fight days ago. It still gave him chills to the bone to think that he could've been killed.

The lords went quiet. Even the rude ones. Then, one of them spoke, "So...what exactly can we do? We wouldn't be able to do anything against him! Hell, you of all people couldn't kill him!" He stomped his foot aggressively on the floor.

"Perhaps what Dream's trying to say is that if we all combined our forces, we could fend him off?" The shortest of them all exclaimed. He looked young, hope filling his blue eyes.

Reginald just laughed at him. "Oh please, sir Earled. You can not be serious, yes? We do not wish to risk our people's lives." He sighed and crossed his hands. "Sir Quartz agrees with me, correct?"

The one that stomped on the floor nodded in agreement. He took his wine glass and lifted it. "Our people's safety is indeed important."

"I agree as well." A different leader agreed with them.

"Good choice, Sir Hemokai." Reginald spoke proudly.

"B-But what if he comes after us? O-o-or is h-he a-a-already a-after us?!?" Another leader spoke, frightened.

Dream looked at them, a little worried. "I'm....not sure.... Sir Francis.. I'm sure you all had heard of...the recent attack on my village...I can't possibly tell if he'll come after the rest of the villages."

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