Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Writer's pov:
Error was in front of Ást's flower shop, waiting on him. He was eating an apple while waiting. Ink had given him the fruit, saying 'You need to eat breakfast. It's important.'
Error smirked at the thought. It's nice for someone to care for you. As time passed he found himself thinking more about the wizard. He still wasn't sure of how to feel towards him. Sure at times Ink was annoying the crap outta him but other times he found himself thinking about doing..stuff..with him.

Error paused quickly, now he was a blushing mess. Okay, that sounds wrong. The prince shook his head violently. He looked at the now-eaten apple and threw it away. He noticed a person walking over to him. They were wearing a cloak, hiding their features.

The person walked over to Error and took off their hood. It was a human. But before the prince could react, they spoke in that familiar flirty tone. "No need to worry, sweety~ it's me."

"Oh, Ást." Error sighed. "Are we ready? Or do we need to wait on somebody?"

Ást hummed in thought. He then spoke with a happy tone, "Nope! It'll be just the two of us~" He suddenly grabbed Error's hand and stood on his right, hugging his arm.

The taller skeleton felt uncomfortable from that. But then he noticed a slight glow which turned into a bright one. When he opened his eyes, he noticed he was fleshy, meaning Ást had put illusion magic on him.

The florist walked in front of the prince, eyeing him carefully. He whistled when he saw the handsome person in front of him. "Wowwww~ Didn't think you'd look this handsome." Ást grinned but then went into serious mode. "Right, here put this on." He gave a cloak to Error who put it on without any question.

"Do we need anything else?"

"Not that I'm aware of?" Ást thought before nodding. "Nope, nothing! Well, let's get going then." He started walking in a direction unfamiliar to Error.

"Uh, are we not going to teleport there?" He didn't mind walking. It'd be nice to take a break from magic or anything related to teleportation.

Ást shook his head in response. "No honey, I'm using my magic to cast an illusion on you. If I teleport us there, I'd lose almost all of my magic." He turned a sharp left and continued talking, "I'm saving some in case anything bad happens. You don't mind taking a small walk with me, right~?"

"No..not at all." The taller skeleton stated. He almost forgot about the villager's magic disappearance. It was taken away because of that person. Was Ást's magic weakened because of them? "Uh...did your magic get weakened by that person?"

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