Chapter 29

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Chapter 29
Ink's Origin

Writer's pov:

Ink had no soul. And it didn't take long for Dream to find out.

They met a long time ago when the peace between humans and monsters was falling out.

Dream, a young wizard, was travelling from place to place to find something which might help him in healing The Tree of Magic and Life. Why? Well, it was destroyed a long time ago by humans.

He travelled for weeks with no luck. Soon he found himself in a dark, ominous forest. The creatures there weren't friendly. No, they were the embodiment of pure evil. Dream was careful to not get in much contact with them. He wasn't planning on fighting another being from there.

But destiny has other plans.

He heard loud growling from his right. Dream wanted to continue forward but something told him to investigate the noise. He walked in the direction of the noise and soon was met with a terrifying scene - a young skeleton, surrounded by dorjes. They were growling, walking in circles around the boy, ready to strike lighting toward him.

Dream was hesitant to help. He wasn't sure if interference was a good idea. The poor skeleton wasn't shivering either. Is he dead? No, he can't be... If he was the wolves would've chewed on his bones... Is he... accepting death? He asked himself.

Dream couldn't watch anymore. He sighed and decided to interfere in the end. He jumped out of the woods and struck one of the wolves with fire magic. It whimpered from pain and ran. From that the other dorjes ran, scared by the little magic trick. The wizard was a bit saddened. He didn't mean to hurt the creature.

He sighed and turned towards the child, his mood changing quickly. "Phew, that was a close one! Don't you think?He giggled softly. "Say...what are you doing here? Don't you know this forest is dangerous for kids like you?"

The small skeleton didn't respond. He only looked at the mysterious man in front of him and back toward the ground.

Dream was a bit confused by the little kid but decided to ask questions later. He kneeled to the child's height and continued, "My name is Dream, what's your name kid?" He asked but got no response.

The wizard waited patiently for the child to answer. But he never did. He sighed. ...Maybe he's in shock? He thought. Dream then smiled and asked, "Would you like to come with me?He extended a hand towards the skeleton. "I'll help you go home safely... How does that sound?"

The little skeleton hesitated for a second before taking Dream's hand.

The wizard smiled widely and stood up. "Do you remember the way to your village?"

The child shook his head, making Dream worry a bit.

"W-Well...there is one near here.. If we go there maybe you'll remember?"

The child shrugged slowly.

Dream sighed and teleported the two to the village.


The child stumbled on the ground. It didn't seem bothered at all.

Dream quickly helped him up, apologizing for the sudden use of magic.
"Gosh! I'm sorry little one! I should've warned you beforehand...He helped him get up and took his arm.

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