Chapter 40

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Chapter 40
A Visit to Rosemary

Writer's pov:
Blue and Fresh searched the whole village with no luck. Where was Error in the first place? Who knows...

"Okay...what if we go to the dragon world? Maybe he's there?" Blue suggested, looking at the king while walking backward.

Fresh just shrugged. "Dunno. We've been searching for... practically hours on end... perhaps we should just quit."

Blue was about to protest when he tripped on something. He landed on the grass with a heavy thud. ''Ow, what the-" He looked to his left and saw the one and only Error. "Oh! Error! We've been looking for you for ages but you've been here this entire time..." The skeleton sighed in the end, feeling his non-existing muscles relax.

"Why were you looking for me?" Error looked up and saw his older brother, waving at him. "And what are you doing here?"

"What? Not happy to see your bro?" The king asked, half-joking.

Error just rolled his eyes. "Do you really want me to answer you?"

Fresh sighed dramatically while shaking his head. Blue just stood at the side, happy that he helped the king. "I'll be going now. See you two soon!" He waved at the two royalties and teleported away.

Fresh took a seat next to Error. He leaned on the large tree and relaxed. "So...whatz been happening with yo life, brah?"

"Why do you ask?" The other looked at him, semi-confused and irresolute.

"Hm...just curious 's all. Ya don't get an opportunity like this every day." The king said. He looked at the sky, it was clear as day. Error didn't reply. He just sighed and stayed quiet. Fresh glanced at him and then asked, "Did'cha find anyone you're interested in?" and made him flustered.

The prince turned to him quickly, yellow blush visible on his cheekbones. "What, no-!"

"So ya did, huh? Who is she? Is she a pretty girl? You won't mind lending her to me at times, right?" His brother teased him. He joked about the 'lending her' part, of course. He wasn't interested in finding love at all.

Error snorted. "I did not." He then sighed in irritation. "There's no need to start teasing me."

Fresh just smirked. "Fine... Whatever you say, brah."

Error noticed a deer in the distance, eating what seemed to be a flower. He then asked out of the blue, "How's Geno doing?"

"He's getting better. He even went outside for the first time in what...three months now?"

The prince smiled lightly, he then nodded. "That's good."

"Yup." Fresh agreed with him.

"Did the meeting end well?" The prince asked, now looking at his brother.

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