Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
The Decision

Error's pov:
I went to the dining room, leaving everything in my room.
When I got there, the table had many silver plates and wine glasses. What's the big occasion? I asked myself. Normally we don't put out fancy stuff in that room, only when royal 'deities' come and visit.

I saw Fresh, from the corner of my eye socket. He was talking to maids and butlers, pointing in different directions.

I went up to him to ask about the whole thing.
"Fresh, what's this all about?"

He looked at me, a bit confused.
"What'cha mean brah? Today the council is rad visitin'. You do remember, right?"

I had completely forgotten about them. I mean with the stuff that's been happening, of course, you'd forget.

"Right, sure.. whatever..."

He walked off, probably to the kitchen.
I went and sat at the table, waiting for something to happen.
After what felt like hours, finally, our guests showed up.

The council was designed to protect and notify the kingdom of any human intrusions or activities. Well..for other kingdoms too.
(All the members spoke Spanish because that was one of the languages that weren't popular for their time.)

On the team were: My older brothers; Cross and Sci(sometimes); a member of the Sea Monster Race; Rojo(Fell/Red); Gaster(G!Sans) and two more members which I didn't care to remember.

They all sat in their seats and started talking. They would only speak Spanish when a meeting was happening but apart from meetings, they spoke English.

I knew Gaster and Rojo because of my brother, Geno. He was the person who created the council. Before they became members of it, originally they were guards of ours. Which I wasn't surprised by.



We were eating dinner.
I finished early. It was a habit of mine.
Whenever I was done, I would go to my room and would just read until I fell asleep, but because of the guests, I couldn't.

They were talking about their plans which led to the previous day's incident. I knew some Spanish but...just the basics. (Error wants to learn it but..just doesn't have the time to.)

I didn't want to interrupt their conversation so I just stayed silent. There wasn't much I could talk about anyway.

Suddenly G asked me, "Heya Error, how have you been?"

"Uhm...Fine? I guess? Aren't you supposed to be in their conversation?"

"Sigh..yeah...but It's too boring! Plus I haven't seen my pal in a while!"

He smiled and I did too, but a bit awkwardly. "Soo.. how has your brother been? Still in bed, I assume?"

"Yes, he is."

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