Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Writer's pov:
Error walked down the stairs.
He was met with an empty room, only lit by two torches. He looked around for traps but nothing. He then stepped on one of the stone plates. It lit up immediately. Seems like a puzzle...hmmm, he thought. Error stepped back and tried to look around again but nothing caught his eye.

The prince decided to go upstairs. Maybe there's a clue.. He looked almost everywhere while avoiding the setups. Nothing. He checked at the top of the tower, but still nothing... Ugh..what am I supposed to do now?!

Error went inside again. The clone had been disassembled a long time ago.
He searched again but still nothing.
The prince looked around the walls and ceiling only to find weird symbols... He looked closely at them and found numbers. Error quickly searched for paper and a pencil and started copying, as much as he could, the symbols with the numbers. He drew overall 10 of them, each with its own unique look.

The prince then went downstairs and checked the stones.
Some matched his drawings.
He stepped on the first one, it lit a bright white colour. Then on the second, third, etc. After stepping on the last one, a wall collapsed behind him, reviling more stairs. He sighed and continued.

The next room had a giant table, filled with a variety of food... it's probably a trap...Too easy. He thought while smirking to himself.
Error then walked to the next room on the left.


The next room looked like a dungeon. There was a small goblin, chained to a poll.

It spotted Error and immediately pleaded for help."Please help me! I've been stuck here for days!"

Error hesitated for a second. "This is a trick, isn't it..."

"W-What, NO!The goblin responded, dumbfounded. "I'm actually stuck here! Please, help!"

"...Are you sure...?Error asked, receiving an angry look from the goblin.

"YES, YOU MORON! NOW BREAK THESE CHAINS!" Shouted the poor creature.

Error still wasn't sure if that was a trick or not. He sighed and decided to help the goblin. It would've been cruel to leave the creature like that. "...Alright, let me see what I can do.He looked around for a tool to break the chains but nothing. Then, he decided to pull them just to see how strong the metal is. Error pulled with all his might but nothing happened. 

The goblin sighed and exclaimed in a sad tone, "Uhg...I guess I'm stuck here for eternity...

"Who even trapped you here? Error asked.

"That's the thing, I don't remember! One day I was minding my own business in my cave, up in the mountains, and then...poof! I'm here!"

" long have you been chained?"

"Ehhmm..." The goblin thought before answering, " whole weeks?"

Error was shocked. How did he even survive without food or water? He thought to himself.

The goblin sighed and asked, "...Do you have food on you? I'm starving here."

I want your soul [ Errorink / Errink ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang