Chapter 24

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Chapter 24
The Soul Flower

Writer's pov:
The two skeletons went into town, looking for Ásty's flower shop.
It's been a while since Ink had visited him. The last time ended in an argument between them both.
It wasn't a serious thing more like a normal disagreement.

His flower shop was in the centre of the town. A nice little building with a variety of flowers on display.
Its colour theme was violet and pink with a bit of blue.

The most thing which stood out was the little white kitten inside the shop. [No it wasn't for sale. X)]
It made everyone love the atmosphere in the shop.

Ink and Error walked into the shop, immediately greeted by the kitten. It meowed at the two, getting the florist's attention.

"Hello and welcome to- Oh! Ink!" Ást ran towards Ink and hugged him. "How has my sweetheart been?

"Sweetheart?Error asked himself out loud.

Ink giggled and returned the hug. "I'm alright. How have ya been?

"I've been good! I got scared you were mad at me from last time!" Ast exclaimed, making Ink widen his eyes.

"Whaat, no~! I could never be mad at you!" The artist said, hugging even tighter.

"Hehe, I know, I know! I'm just glad you visited." The florist pulled back from the hug and petted the artist's head. He looked behind him, noticing another skeleton. "Oh! My apologies for not seeing you. Are you here to buy flowers?"

Error was about to answer but Ink quickly replied. "Actually, he's with me."

"Is that so?" Ast smiled and asked, "What's your name?"

"Error."  The prince answered.

"" The florist went quiet before answering, "I think I've heard it before...from somewhere...oh well, what are you two looking for?"

"We're here to search for...uhm...what was it again?" Ink chuckled slightly, making Error sigh.

"We're here to find a Soul Flower."

"A Soul Flower, huh?" Ast thought for a second before answering. "I don't have that...not anymore...but I do know where it could be."

"Where?Error asked.

"Hm...have you heard of the Enchanted Forest? Or the Forest of Light "

"We've been to the Enchanted Forest." Ink answered.

"Oh! Well, that's perfect!" The florist clapped his hands together. "It normally grows there around this time of the year. So I think you'll find it there."

"Great! Now we'll get going..." The prince was about to turn around when Ast spoke.

"But there's a catch... It moves from place to place whenever it feels in getting pixie dust will help you out a lot."

I want your soul [ Errorink / Errink ]Where stories live. Discover now