Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
Out of Character..?

Writer's pov:
Outer was dressing formally. Why you may ask? Well...he has a meeting with the queen's butler.

His name was Alfred.

Alfred didn't like Outer because he was 'suspicious' of him.

Well...he wasn't in the wrong.. Outer, named 'Ash', was immediately recruited into the spy team without hesitation. It was a bit weird per se...and the Queen didn't seem to mind at all as if at that time she was under a spell...and now all better.

Alfred was supposed to meet Ash in front of the castle, and then take him to the garden, where the queen's son was.

He didn't mind the child at all. He was a happy boy with big dreams and Alfred insisted on teaching him about his future duty
Actually, he(Alfred) saw him as his own...

But back to where we left off, Outer was about to leave when he remembered, he had to leave a note for Error.

He took a pen and a sheet off of his notebook, which was in his bag, and wrote down a message to the young prince.

After writing it, he placed the note on the table and quickly left the house.
Error woke up three hours later. He normally had his maids wake him up...but because he wasn't in the castle, he overslept.

He didn't complain though. Error actually felt a bit...happier.

Error stood up from the armchair and went to the bathroom...

He left the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist(pelvis) and noticed the note on the table.

He went to it and read:
Dear Error,
I left for some human business. I'll be back at 3.
Please don't leave the house until I return.
You'll probably want to take a shower, so please take clothes from my wardrobe. I may have some clothes your size.

Also, I left a towel in the bathroom!


P.s. Close the window in my room, please!

He placed it back on the table and went up the stairs to his friend's room.

He didn't know where exactly it was, so he had to literally open and close every door until he found it.

After a minute, he did.

It was a small one with not that much light. The window was viewing the whole town and half of the castle. It was rather pretty.

Next to the window stood the wardrobe. It wasn't big, but it wasn't small either.

He opened it and saw a lot of undone clothes. I mean...It could've been worse. He thought to himself.

Error looked through the clothes, placing the ones which seemed to fit him on the bed, and putting the ones which were smaller for him back in the wardrobe.
He went through almost everything and luckily found two pairs of pants and three shirts his size.

He put the darker pants on with a white shirt. Then he looked at himself in the mirror on the left. It doesn't look that bad...He thought to himself.

Error took the rest of the clothes and went to the kitchen area.
Error's pov:
It's been two hours. Outer hasn't come back. He said he'd be here at three but it's like four. Hmm...

I went to the window, hiding in the curtains so that nobody could see me.

I looked outside and there were children playing on the streets. But apart from them, nothing else...

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