Chapter 46

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Chapter 46
Suspicion and Terror

Writer's pov:
Ink and Error went back to Joku. They were greeted by Blue who then led them to one of the houses in the outskirts of town. They discussed their next move, plans and etc.

After that, they went back to Ink's home to rest. Ink had to take care of something so Error was all alone. He decided to pay a visit to the training camp because he wasn't feeling tired at all. From the previous night, he'd been feeling rather confident and energetic.

One of his trainee colleagues greeted him with an exhausted face. He greeted back with a little concern.

"Uhm.. are you okay?" Error asked.

The monster took a deep breath and assured him everything was okay. "Y-Yup! Everything's good.. Oh, right. The commander is looking for you."

"He is?" The prince exclaimed rather surprised. "Where can I find him?"

"Uh..." The guy had to think before pointing at one of the smaller tents. "I believe he's...there. Sorry, I don't really remember his time schedule."

"It's fine. Thank you for letting me know." Error waved at the leaving monster, who waved back at him, and headed to the tent.

When he approached it, one of the guards stopped him. "Hey, no entry."

"Sorry, I was informed that I needed to see the commander." Error explained calmly to the guard who didn't believe him.

"No can do, sir. Only higher rank can enter--"

"Ah, there you are Mr. Crayon." The commander peeked his head from the tent, startling the guard. "What are you doing, let him through!"

"R-Right away, sir!" The guard obeyed and stepped to the side, bowing lightly to Error.

The prince entered the small tent, seeing more lower rankings. They all stared at him which made him uncomfortable. Was it something serious? Why did he get called?

"I see you have returned from your visit home if I am correct?" The commander spoke suddenly. He offered for him to sit next to one of his colleagues.

Error sat down and replied, "Yes, I did."

"Good, good." The older one spoke. He took a pencil and wrote something on the scroll on the table. "Anything unusual that happened there?"

"Not that... I am aware of."

The commander eyed him cautiously. He placed the pencil on the table and intertwined his fingers. "I have heard there was a... spike of magic in Undervil. As in someone powerful appeared in thin air.."

Error was surprised. "...what?"

"Yes, Mr Comyet reported the sudden spike of magic coming from your... celebration." He extended a hand towards the prince to shake it. "Also congratulations on your birthday."

Error shook his hand and slightly smiled. "Thank you."

The elder rested his hands on the table and continued the conversation. "Now getting on topic, as I said Mr. Comyet has reported a spike of magic. Have you seen anyone suspicious during your party?"

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