Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Writer's pov:
Dream, Outer and Ink heard a loud explosion from the dungeons. They immediately went there, meeting a black octopus-looking skeleton. He was making a portal but got interrupted by Dream's blue arrow.

(This time the arrows weren't like the ones you'd normally see, no. They were enchanted with his magic....)

The arrow hit the ground beside the monster and made him turn around. He wore black clothes, covered in goop. It was almost impossible to tell what exactly he was wearing. His right eye was covered with the goop but his left eye was not. His pupil was glowing bright cyan colour, making you want to keep looking at it until it devoured you.

The skeleton growled and sharpened the tentacles on his back. He then charged at the three wizards, however, they all dodged them.

"Distract them until I make the portal." The skeleton stated. His voice was so cold that it could give you the chills.

"Alright, boss. Come on guys!" Killer exclaimed, running towards the other skeletons.

Ink quickly summoned an ink wall with his brush, separating them from the attackers. He then ran towards a side, ready to jump one of the bandits.

Dream teleported at their boss, jumping him. He summoned his sword and blocked the tentacles.

Outer was attacking Dust and Killer.

Dream shot arrows at the octopus and successfully his hit shoulder. However, it didn't falter him. He glared at Dream and then smirked in mockery. Dream didn't reply to his mockery. Suddenly, a tentacle wrapped around his leg and tossed him to the side. He was thrown at a tree, causing him to almost lose consciousness. The wizard shook it off and got up, summoning his bow and arrows.

"You know... you've gotten better over the years." The octopus suddenly spoke, blocking the arrows with his tentacle.

"What?" Dream asked, confused at the other.

"Oh, don't worry... you'll find out sooner or later." The attacker charged a tentacle towards Dream but it was cut off immediately.

"What do you mean?! Who are you?!" Dream asked, making the other laugh at him menacingly. He didn't receive an answer, however.

The skeleton sharpened another tentacle, ready to attack him. Dream suddenly winced in pain from his shoulder. Did he hit me?! When?! It didn't matter, he'll heal it later. He needed to focus for now. The leader summoned a scythe, almost taller than him. The blade was sharp enough to cut you in half if you were not careful. He didn't like using that weapon but there was no other option. He took a deep breath and awaited for the other to make a move. The octopus guy smirked and attacked.
The battle ended. The attackers managed to escape. If Blue hadn't shown up, they might've been defeated. (With how much magic they had, plus strength, they would've been killed.) That's what they thought at least. The three minions were tired as well and the octopus-looking skeleton seemed to only be able to use his tentacles. That was an advantage for them...

Outer, Dream and Blue sat on the ground. They were exhausted. Ink seemed as well but not really. He looked dull if you know what I'm pointing at. Blue suggested to Ink to sit and take a breather but he declined.

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