Chapter 17

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Chapter 17
A Giant Lizard

Error's pov:
Ink and I were now in a forest. How? That Dream guy teleported us. He could've at least warned us! Whatever. I looked at Ink and asked, "Where are we?"

Ink looked around and replied, "Hmmmmm...dunno Glitchy! Dream tends to kick people like that ..when he's in a bad mood" He chuckled before clearing his throat. "But I might be able to..." He paused and summoned a map of some sort. He then looked at it for a minute and continued, "Hm....Oh- he sent us to the dragon"

"What, what for?!" I asked.

"For the dragon's breath, duh!"

"...are you serious right now..." I shook my head, clearly not wanting to deal with a fire-breathing lizard.

"Yeah, I am..." He answered. Ink then made the map disappear. "Don't worry~, I've visited him a lot of times, so it should be fine!" He tried to encourage me which didn't help at all.

I sighed and looked at the going back I guess...

We started walking... I didn't know where exactly we were heading...but I prayed it wasn't a volcano or something worse.
Writer's pov:
Error and Ink walked for two hours. It was getting hotter and hotter as they strolled. They weren't going to a volcano, no, they were walking to a pit ..full of lava...yes.. a pit of lava.

Ink was humming the entire time...and asking dumb questions to his partner. Error either answered or ignored...

Error still held onto that one picture of Ink.
He was going to ask about it but... it wasn't his place to do so...not at the moment at least.

They finally encountered the lava pit. Ink looked around as if he was searching for something. Error stayed away from the bubbling hot lava. It was spilling tiny liquids all around the area. The ground was literally obsidian which meant it couldn't break easily least that's one good thing.. Error thought to himself.

Ink took out his brush and dipped it in the lava, making the whole place shake...and suddenly a huge reddish-black dragon, with yellow glowing eyes, appeared.

Error took a step back while Ink shouted at the dragon,
"Heya friend!" He waved at the creature and asked, "How are you?"

The dragon, who angrily brushed off the droplets of lava, got closer to the skeleton and then sighed with annoyance, "What do you want, Comyet...?"

Ink crossed his hands and answered, "You know...the usual...!"

The dragon suddenly got irritated and shouted, "AGAIN?!"

"Ya!" The artist smiled widely, obviously not scared by the dragon, like Error on the other hand. He was standing behind Ink, in case he needed a shield.

The big creature scoffed and looked away. ".... Not happenin'!" He answered and stomped on the ground.

"Whyyy?" Ink whined, making the dragon face him again.

"I literally gave you a whole bottle of worth a month ago! What did you do to it???"

" did?" The artist was confused. He scratched his head and looked at his scarf.

I want your soul [ Errorink / Errink ]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora