Chapter 28

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Chapter 28
A rushed procedure

Writer's pov:
Error woke up in his room.

He looked around for a second and sighed, relaxing in his bed. It felt...nice. Being away from his home was... stressful...but also nice? He couldn't explain it.
It felt good to be back, that's what mattered.

He sat up and stretched. A satisfying pop was heard from his back.

He noticed a book on the nightstand. He picked it up and read the title "Gulliver's Travels". The price remembered reading it before leaving the castle. It wasn't really interesting...

Error placed the book back. "Maybe I can give it to Fresh or something..." he spoke out loud, before standing from the bed.

Error went up to his wardrobe and got dressed. He then left his room and headed to the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast.

He walked into the kitchen and noticed Ink, who

"OI! Are you trying to set my home on fire?!" He shouted, making the artist jump a bit.

"Huh? Oh! Good morning Glitchy!" Ink turned towards Error, who was right behind him. "...and no, I'm not."

Error looked at the kettle on the stove and sighed. "Are you making tea?"

"Well yes. Dream asked me to make some for him. Do you want some as well?"

"Hmm ..yeah.." Error answered.

The kettle started whistling and Ink took it off the stove. He asked Error to grab two tea cups and some sugar.
The prince grabbed them beforehand.

The artist poured tea into the cups and gave one to Error.

"Thanks." The prince thanked the other.

"You're welcome! Though I need to ask, what are you doing up so early?"

"Hm...I usually get up around this hour."

"Huh... I haven't noticed!"

"Yeah... I'm not surprised." Error sipped some tea. It was nice but not sweet enough. He put at least five cubes of sugar in his drink, making Ink chuckle.

"Won't it be too sweet for you?"

Error looked at him with disbelief.
"Nothing is 'too sweet' for me. (Plus I want it sweet today...)"

"Uh-huh okay..." The artist rolled his eyes playfully.

He grabbed a board and placed the kettle, sugar holder, and the teacup on it.

"I'll come back when I give this to Dream! Bye~!" Ink waved at Error and left.

The prince placed the cup on the counter and looked through the kitchen for something to eat.
He ended up finding a red apple.

After ten minutes Ink came back, holding a... canvas?

"Are you going to draw?" Asked Error who was sitting on a chair.

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