Chapter 15

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Chapter 15
A Step Back in Time

Writer's pov:
Hello, my fellow readers.
You're probably wondering
"What happened with Genosis, Cross, Freshermin, and the rest?", well...I shall tell you...

An hour after Error's disappearance.
It was still night. Everyone was sleeping. Nothing suspicious was going around... except for Cross' pacing around the castle.

He couldn't fall asleep because of stress... How am I supposed to keep Error's plan a secret?! What would happen if they found out!?? Would I get thrown in jail?! O-Or worse...
He was thinking that all night.

He slapped himself to calm down. Stop it! I-It won't happen! Just try not to say anything and you'll be fine!

He decided to check on Sci.
After all, he and Sci were the only ones who knew about Error's plan.
He walked out of the castle, wishing the guards a good night shift.
He didn't want to cause any commotion so he walked slowly. It didn't help though. His panic was getting worse. But thankfully, Sci's house wasn't that far from the castle.
He walked for ten minutes before standing right at the door.
Cross knocked once...twice...multiple times before a familiar figure opened. "Wha- Xer?" The scientist yawned, leaning on the door slightly.

"Heeyyy dude....! Mind if I come in?" He smiled awkwardly at Sci.

"Uhm... sure?" The doctor let him in. He closed the door behind the taller skeleton and asked, "What are you doing up in the middle of the night...?"

" remember Error's plan... right?" He scratched the back of his head.


"Well...he kind of hour ago."

"Oh..." Sci paused for a second. He then looked to his left and continued, "Is that so..."
Cross nodded and looked down at the floor. Sci looked at him and sighed. "And you're...panicking..a lot?"

"Yep..." Xer admitted, earning a soft smile from the shorter skeleton.

"Everything's going to be fine. Don't worry." The doctor reassured him. He walked towards his table, "Take a seat, I'll prepare us tea. You can spend the night here if you want."

Cross chuckled and thanked him. He sat at the table and started a short conversation with Sci.

"So...Error has already left.." Sci exclaimed, holding his teacup.

"Yup..." Cross nodded while drinking his cup of tea. "At this point two hours ago."

"And what are we going to do now?" Asked the scientist. He didn't seem worried at all.

'Hm...that's why I'm here." The taller stated, gaining an annoyed expression from Sci.

"Really?" Sci crossed his arms.


The doctor sighed and took a sip from his tea. "...I could inform his brothers that he's sick...or..I don't know..."

Cross nodded in agreement, "They might believe you. After all, you are the Royale Scientist..(and doctor)."

"Yeah...but what kind of disease? I can't just say 'He caught a cold so don't go in his room'..." Sci said ironically.

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