Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Error's pov:
"I want your soul."

I stood there, frozen. Ink was looking straight into my eyes. The thing that I noticed now was his white eye sockets. No emotion behind them...

"What the f*ck?" I mumbled under my nose.

"You heard me, I want your soul. In exchange for healing your brother.He said with a cold tone.

He stepped back, eyes changing colour, with a smile. "Well? What do you say?"

I stayed silent for a moment before answering him, "No."

"Great!...wait what?" He asked confused at my answer. Clearly, he didn't expect it at all.

"I said no." I repeated myself.

"But your dying brother??"

"I'll find another solution.


He started laughing."Haha, alright, funny joke!"

"I'm...not." Now I was the confused one. 

"Are you, wait you're actually serious! Oh, my stars!" He was laughing his a*s off. 

I was getting irritated so I decided to leave but this bastard started following me, still laughing. "Are you done? You're getting on my nerves."

"Pfft...yeah- oh my...sorry, sorry! Haha- haaa....ehem..where are you going?

"None of your business."

"Aw...come on! You have to be realistic now! I'm the famous 'healing' wizard! So-" For some reason, he quoted the last part.

"Look, I don't care what you think. I'll find a different way! I don't need your sh*tty deal."  I stormed out but he just kept following me.

We stopped at the exit of the forest. I tried getting away from that bastard but he just kept on coming back. He was practically mocking me. He tried persuading me into accepting his deal but I refused each time. It made me really mad. How can someone like him be so arrogant? UGH-

I kicked a rock which hit Ink in the leg. "Ow... That wasn't necessary!" He whined. But I just kept walking.

After some time, I could see Outer from the back window. I quickly made it inside relieved that Ink finally left.

Outer finally noticed me and greeted me at the entrance, "Hey! What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing is wrong." I answered him.

"Okay... from the sarcasm I'm hearing, that's not so true. So...what happened?" He asked, crossing his arms. 

I want your soul [ Errorink / Errink ]Where stories live. Discover now