Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

The Mysterious Doctor

Writer's pov:
Error was currently training in the training camp. It has been a couple of weeks since his mission with Ást. After returning from it, he decided to train his combat skills. He also wanted to get a good hold of his new ability.

And now, he was combating with a soldier. They fought for a while before taking a break. The prince walked towards the benches wanting to sit down and rest up.

He sat down and as soon as he turned to his left, he saw Ink sitting right beside him, holding a cup. "Heya~" He casually greeted.

Error should have gotten used to his sudden 'out of nowhere' appearance by now, but it still made him jump. "You suck."

"What???" The wizard innocently asked. He gave his friend the cup. "Here, drink this."

"What is it..?" Error asked, curious but also a little scared. Why scared? Well, the drink looked like mud, scooped from the ground.

"Just...a little something!" Ink replied. He was being weird which made the prince suspicious.

"Uh-huh..." He took another look at the mysterious liquid, almost gagging at the bubble which popped inside the drink. He gave it back, "Thanks but I'll pass." as quickly as he could.

The wizard sighed and chugged the whole thing in one go. Error made a disgusted face in response.

Seeing his face, Ink asked in a joking manner, "What?"

Error was going to comment on that but decided to keep it to himself. "....nothing."
He looked around for his cup, waiting to fill it with fresh water but couldn't find it. He looked behind him and noticed the cup on the ground. Lifting it up, you could see it was a little shattered. He sighed. "Well sh*t."

"Here, let me!" Ink stated while holding a small brush. Error still questioned how the other was able to carry many brushes with himself.

The prince gave the broken cup to the wizard, who in no time fixed it. He even added a little decor. "Here you go."

"Thanks." Error thanked him. He stood up and walked to a table with a kettle. He poured himself water and sat back down next to Ink. "So, what are you doing here? Didn't Dream give you a job to do?"

"He did.." Ink started. He put his hand on his cheek to signify boredom. "But Blue had finished it before me. So now I'm checking how everything is doing here."

"Hm..I see." The taller one exclaimed, rather unsurprised. He took a sip from his cup and asked, "And? What do you think? Is everything going great here?"

"Yeah, I guess." The other shrugged while replying. He then put on a smile and looked at Error.

"What?" The prince asked wondering why his 'friend' was smiling.

"Oh nothing~ Just some good news is all..." Ink exclaimed in a catchy tone.
Error raised a bone brow, showing interest in these 'good news'. Without asking, the wizard crossed his arms. "But..I have to get something in return~"

The prince sighed and took a quick glance around them. When the cost was clear, he without a second, kissed Ink on the cheek and sat back where he was.

Ink was left with shock but quickly shook it off. He held in giggles because of Error's flustered face. "W-well...I guess that's a good trade.." He coughed and started, "Well... " Ink got a little closer, almost whispering. "The villagers are getting their magic slowly back ."

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