Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Writer's pov:
It was morning. Birds were singing. A nice day to relax and probably have a picnic or read a book.

Error woke up 2 hours ago. He asked a butler last night to wake him up so he can go out and start searching. He always kept his promises when it came to his brothers.

He started at the library.
Of course, he had to disguise himself so that nobody could recognize him.

He took some books and started reading. Nothing much if we had to be honest.

He then proceeded to another library shop, smaller than the previous one. And yet again.. nothing..

He went to many places which sadly had nothing useful. His brother wasn't really specific about his condition. Yes, his soul was cracking but other than that? Was he slowly dusting? Was he in pain? (Of course, he'd be in pain, stupid!)

Still nothing. It was getting irritating for Error. He didn't want to go to other shops besides the libraries because of people finding out who he was. The only thing he actually wore was a robe with a hood on. Nothing more. But if he had to do it then it had to be done.

He went into a chemist's shop, and asked around but nothing. Only, that doctor Sci could help. Which of course was obvious.

After what felt like hours of searching, he decided to rest at a café. It was rather small and not that cramped.
Error liked going there whenever he felt irritated or someone had made him angry. It was a relaxing place for him. He would often give big tips to the workers which they were surprised by. He didn't mind it at all.
He'd order a cup of coffee or tea (or hot chocolate whenever he felt like it)

Thankfully, he grabbed the book from before and started reading, while sipping on his coffee. It really helped him relax.

After some minutes a little girl walked up to him, offering some flowers:
"H-Hello sir! Would you like to buy a flower for 1G?"

"Sure." Answered Error, while smiling slightly.

The kid handed him a poppy and took the gold. Then, they left and went up to the next person.

After that, they left and offer another person a flower.
Error placed the poppy on the café table. He actually liked poppies. They were his mother's favourite flowers.

After some sips, he stood up, packed his stuff, and went on, leaving the payment and some tips for the workers.

He passed the fountain, which was in the centre of the entire village, and went to a whole different area.
He didn't really know about it because it was finished a few months ago. It won't hurt if I explored a bit he thought to himself.
He did have all day..

Error turned a corner-two lost. It really was a whole different area.
Before it was just some neighbourhood, but now..a marketplace.

So many different monsters were there. Some were from other kingdoms and some..from here of course.

He explored a bit and cycled around 'till he found what seemed to be an antique shop.
He went in it and was greeted by an old lady. She was a goat, wearing glasses and a purple-looking dress.

I want your soul [ Errorink / Errink ]Where stories live. Discover now