Chapter 37

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Chapter 37
Embarrassed Much Are We?

Writer's pov:
It was morning. Everyone woke up and was discussing about a plan in the living room. Ink and Error, however, were still upstairs.

Ink was feeling a Error had to take him to his old supposed bedroom. Now, the artist was sitting on the bed, being a little quieter than before.

Error was a little worried for him. "Well, this is bad....When will Dream use his magic on you?"

"As soon as he regains it." Ink answered him. "It could take days or weeks even."

Error hummed in acknowledgement, then groaned, "Are there any more of your 'special liquids'?"

"Nope." Ink shook his head. Then added, "If there was I would've drank them already."

The prince sighed and sat beside the other. "Well, let's hope Dream regains his magic back quickly."

"Mhm..." The artist hummed in agreement. He then rested his head on the other's shoulder.

Error flinched and looked at him, confused. "What?"

"Nothing." Ink stated causally. He then sighed, "I'm just relaxing."

"Right..." Error looked away.

The two stayed like that for a while until someone opened the door. It was thankfully Dream.

"Hey, Ink? Are you-" He paused when he saw Error. "Oh- Error! I didn't expect you'd be here."

The prince sighed and exclaimed, "Same here... Anyway, is there a way to help this idiot?" He pointed at the wizard who still rested his head on the other's shoulder.

Dream blinked two times, thinking of what the other meant. When he realized what he meant, he sighed. "Not at the moment...when did he tell you?"

"Last night." Error answered him, honestly.

The leader smiled lightly and shook his head. "Geez, no wonder you were quiet the entire time. Anyway, now that you know, could you please keep an eye on him? He normally just sits and waits for the effects to wear off." Dream asked while holding the door slightly open.

Error nodded and looked at the relaxed skeleton on his right. "Sure...will do."

Dream thanked him and closed the door.

Error sighed heavily and tapped Ink's back. "Come on, lay down. I need to grab something."

The artist, however, didn't cooperate. He just stood there. Error grumbled something under his nose and lay him down. "You're acting like a child, come on."  He stood up and went to the wardrobe, looking for a blanket or something. When he found one, he covered Ink with it. "Get some sleep. Maybe when you wake up you'll feel...better..."

Ink didn't say anything. When Error was about to leave, Ink grabbed his hand and jerked him into the bed. Error yelped from the sudden jerk. "What the- hey! Idiot!" He tried standing up but it was pointless. Ink was holding him captive. The prince gave up after a while and lay down with him.

I want your soul [ Errorink / Errink ]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя