Chapter 22

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Chapter 22
A Day with Ink

Writer's pov:
Ink, along with two more guards, headed to the location of the chicken. The two guards were at the front and Ink was following suit. Ink, at some point, asked one of the guards, "Why do we need to capture a chicken? Can't farmers do that?

" see... it's not an ordinary animal.

"How so?"  The wizard asked, now curious.

" gives off powerful magic. We don't know a lot but... it's been a pain in the a*s for the past week..." 

"Huh..." Ink hummed in response. He wondered how a chicken could possibly have powerful magic like that.

"I'm guessing it has a mind on its own? The other guard asked. He then looked away, clearly embarrassed. I'm not very familiar with the mission..."

"Yes! That's why we're struggling with this thing!"


"..We managed to capture it but it escaped somehow!" The guard exclaimed, seemingly frustrated. "Maybe it broke the iron bars with its beak? Ugh, it's so annoying."

"Who else is helping your team? The artist asked while taking out a small vial of yellow liquid.

"Last time it was just me and my friend. But now...uhm...The head of the Royale Guards; Blue, two or three more co-workers, monster of the magical expert team... And if needed, one medic."

"Huh...that much for one chicken..."  Ink drank the liquid.

"I doubt that it's a chicken..maybe someone in disguise! The other guard theorized.

"No, I can assure you, It's a chicken."

"...huh... He was dumbfounded.

"Have you tried talking to it? Asked Ink, receiving a confused look.

"Why should we? It's a chicken! They can't talk."  The guard stated. Ink looked at him with a 'really' expression. He then sighed, "Okay have a point."

"He's right, we should go talk to it before doing anything else! The other guard agreed.


They didn't walk for long. Their mission was at the nearest barn, like four hundred meters away from the village. The barn was empty. Well, empty of people. The animals were still in their cages. There was no sight of the chicken.

They noticed a figure hiding behind a tree. The trio approached them carefully and realized it was a rabbit lady, probably the caretaker of the farm.

She noticed them and sighed with relief, "Oh thank're here!"

"What's the situation?" The guard asked.

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