Chapter 21

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Chapter 21
A winner

Writer's pov:
They finally exited the cave.
The sun was beating down on them, making everything brighter than normal.

Ink extended his hands towards the sun."Finally! Oh sweet sun, how much I've missed you!He happily exclaimed.

Error missed the outside as well. Being stuck in a wet and dark environment was not ideal. He looked at the sun, it was still morning. Probably around nine o'clock.

The two skeletons headed straight to the portal.
It took them at least three hours to finally get there.
With all the traps, mazes, and lots more dangerous things in their way, it wasn't easy.

"IS THIS IT?" Error shouted, exhaustion finally kicking in.

"Yes, Error. It's not an illusion like last time!" Ink replied, huffing a bit.


The wizard looked around the area. Something was missing. "Hm...though it is strange...Serion should be here..."

"Don't care, we're going in." Error stated, while lazily walking towards the portal.

Ink was sceptical about this. It wasn't normal for the dragon to not be here. He was always by the portal, protecting it. What happened? They went through anyway.

On the other side awaited danger, however. The dragon was tied with iron chains. The culprit or should we say the culprits were standing right in front of them.

The skeleton on the right was wearing a hood, covering half of his face.

The other one, on the left, had dark, soulless eyes, He was smiling menacingly.

The last one in the middle had a giant crack on his head was he still alive? He was holding a giant axe, covered in blood. After seeing the two, he smirked. "Well, well, well...what do we have here?"

"Two freaks with marks...GREAT!" The skeleton with the soulless eyes exclaimed.

"I'll take the taller one."  The hooded guy stated, making the other angry.

"I wanted to fight him though!"

"You're shorter so you get the smaller one!"

"Uhm no! Just because I'm short doesn't mean I can't take-"

"GUYS! Ugh...Remember the plan!" The axe skeleton interrupted their argument but he only got ignored.

"Fine! He looks weak anyway so I won't have much trouble." The skeleton with the soulless eyes gave in.

"Yeah, like you~" The hooded one mocked, receiving a glare.

"F*ck off! I'm not!"

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