Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
A Healing Potion

Writer's pov:
 Error woke up after one hour. He growled at the pain in his skull. The man hit him really hard.

 He stood up and looked around. Ink was nowhere to be found.
The only thing that could be seen was a little gremlin of ink.

 They noticed Error's awakening and headed towards him.
It jumped three times to get the prince's attention.

 Error looked at it. The gremlin started writing something on the grass. "Hello, I'm an abomination. Ink commanded me to stay with you while he was out. "

 Error read it and then questioned;, "Where is that idiot?"

 The gremlin started writing again;
He is out to pick up some supplies for a healing potion.

 Why would he-
He was cut off by a large pain in his skull.

 His skull was cracked. It wasn't that big of a deal to a skeleton but the thing that would be a worry is a gap, which Error had.
It wasn't big but it wasn't small either.

 The gremlin wrote, "You have noticed the broken part, so we're asking you to not touch it.. "

We? The prince asked himself.

"Sure...I wasn't planning on it long will I have to wait?"

"Not long." It wrote.

 The prince sighed. He tried to recall what happened right after he was knocked out. It was a bit fuzzy...but he remembered falling on the ground, then being moved aside...and then someone carrying him. It was probably Ink, he thought.

 He tried to remember other parts but nothing. It didn't matter much anyway.

 He noticed the little ink thing melt. It tried to scoop its parts back on but failed. He summoned his strings and wrapped them around it.

 The abomination bowed down to the prince as if to say "thanks".

"Did Ink forget to put more magic into you or something?"

It nodded.

"sigh...of course...this idiot." Error stood up and dusted himself off. After, he grabbed his bag from the ground. As doing so he felt dizzy and almost fell flat to the ground.

 The abomination was a bit confused at what he was doing.
It didn't take long for it to realize that Error was leaving. Where to? Who knows...

The ink thing started jumping up and down, tugging on Error's pants.

"Calm down, I'm just moving to a nearby river. You can communicate with Ink, right?" The gremlin nodded "Great, so you tell him where we are and I'll do my stuff, alright?"
It nodded again.
 Ink was gathering supplies for a healing potion. He wasn't the best at mesmerizing potion supplies but for this one, he did. It was used a lot...

 He gathered some healing weed; tree water; glowing mushrooms; gel in a basket he drew.

 He was almost done..just needed a bit of chamomile and he'd be done.

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