Chapter 31

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Chapter 31
Error, the tour guide

Writer's pov;
Ink walked through the halls, avoiding people at all costs. He, deep down in his chest, wanted to keep his whole emotionless persona away from people. Luckily for him, there wasn't anyone. He went into his room and closed the door quickly. Then, he lay down on the bed and closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep.

Ink was soulless. He didn't know why... Nor did Dream. Either he was born like that or he got cursed. Who knows? Maybe he himself destroyed it... We'll never know.
Four hours had passed. Ink was still laying on the bed. He couldn't fall asleep, not without Dream's magic.

Soon, there was suddenly a knock on the door, "Mister Ink, Sir Dream is looking for you. You can meet him at the library on the third floor". It was the maid that escorted Dream to his bedroom.

The artist took his time to answer, "I'll be...there in a second.".

The maid, after hearing Ink's response, walked away, attending to her duties.

Ink slowly got up and walked over to the door. The artist hesitated for a second before walking out.


He was at the library, sitting at a table near a big window. Dream had left a few minutes ago to grab something. Even if Ink couldn't feel anything, he was starting to get bored and annoyed.

Finally, Dream came back. He was holding multiple colourful vials, attached to a belt.

"Sorry for the wait!"  The elder apologized. He sat opposite of Ink, placing the vials on the small round table. The artist was staring at him intensely. Some people might find it intimidating but Dream was used to it. "I brought more vials with me in case you ran out. They won't last long but until I recover my magic, they'll do..."

Ink looked at the vials and back at his taller friend. He didn't respond.

"I mixed them with my magic before we went to don't worry! Haha..." Dream awkwardly laughed.

Ink took the yellow vial and downed it quickly. It didn't take long for the paint to work. "Thanks, Dream! I owe you one!"  Ink smiled and took the other paints.

Dream sighed in relief. He wasn't sure if they would work properly. He watched as his pupil drank the vials.
While watching, Dream couldn't help but feel ashamed. He didn't want to take the magic inside his friend. It was the only way Ink could feel.

The young artist finished drinking his vials and sighed loudly, causing Dream to snap out of his thoughts. He looked at his friend and couldn't help but ask, "Are you still upset?"

"Huh? Upset about what?" Asked the taller one while picking up the empty glass vials. He then proceeded to put them back on the belt.

Ink sighed and continued, "You know... If you didn't take your magic, the king would've died."

"I know, Ink... I just... wish I didn't have to..."  Dream sighed at the end, looking away afterwards.

"Well, I'm okay with it." Said the artist confidently, "Plus you'll transfer some magic into my chest as soon as you recover!"

"Yeah.. you're right..." The elder smiled slightly, making Ink smile as well.

"I'm always right!" Joked Ink, making Dream snicker.


The two decided to head to the village. It would be nice to take some fresh air. Plus, Ink wanted to see Undervill from top to bottom.
On their way, the two stumbled upon the young prince, carrying books in his hands. He noticed the two and hurried up to them. "What happened? Did you heal him? Will he make it?!"  Error asked, concern raising in his tone.

I want your soul [ Errorink / Errink ]Where stories live. Discover now