Chapter 41

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Chapter 41
Preparations Are Needed

Writer's pov:
It's been over two weeks since the lords had a meeting. They all had told their people about the 'so-called threat' and started seeking volunteers for a future war.
When they gathered enough soldiers, they started training them to use advanced magic, swordsmanship, archery, etc.
Everyone felt confident about winning but on e person, yes Error. Error believed even with skilled soldiers, they still didn't have a chance against the mysterious person.
No wonder he confronted Dream about that problem two weeks ago;
Error walked downstairs, meeting Dream who was sitting on the couch, busy with scrolls and books. He coughed to make himself present.

Dream looked at him and smiled. "Greetings, Error. What brings you here?"

The prince walked in front of the table and started, "I came to ask about the meeting."

"Oh, well they all agreed to it." The leader stated, putting down a scroll he had in his hands, now paying full attention to the young prince. "If you're worried about it, I can assure you it went smoothly."

"I'm...not here for that." Error paused then continued, "Actually, I am. But I just wanted to ask if... it's a good idea to get everyone involved."

The older skeleton thought before explaining, " see, I personally don't want anyone to get hurt, nor have a war...but after I fought him... I came to this conclusion." Dream crossed his legs and continued with a soft tone, "I know it's...really risky to have magic welders alongside normal monsters...but I doubt that he would be able to steal magic if they're mixed."

The prince nodded in understanding. He sighed and looked to his left. "I'm...still not sure."

Dream hummed in acknowledgment. He thought before asking, "Why are you worried? Does it have to do with your brother?"

" can say that..." The prince put a hand behind his skull, now looking at the other.

Dream nodded lightly. "Well...I don't know if he'll the battle...but I'm sure he's capable of defending himself." He uncrossed his legs and continued, "He didn't become king if he couldn't fight, right?"

"I suppose..." The prince crossed his arms.

"So there's nothing to worry about. And I'll make sure to keep him safe, with the other lords, of course!" He added the last part quickly.

"... alright...thank you." Error wasn't convinced. A single person can't protect a lot of people and that was a fact he had to learn the hard way...but that's a story for another time. He bowed lightly and was about to head upstairs when Dream exclaimed.

"Uh, may I ask something quick?"

Error turned around, one bone brow furrowed in confusion. "Uhm.. yes?"

Dream smirked lightly and tapped the seat next to him, signaling for Error to sit next to him. The prince walked over to the couch and sat, not too close.. for comfort. The leader then started, "So... I've noticed a change of behavior between the two of you...."

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