Chapter 43

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Chapter 43
Welcome to Otis

Writer's pov:
Error woke up with a headache. Last night he had a little too much to drink. You might be wondering what had happened. Well, let's just say that after the two lovebirds got off the roof, a friend of Ink's had a birthday celebration and invited the whole town to that small bar, very popular with the ladies. And, well, of course, Ink had to be there, dragging Error along with him.
The party went well for the first few hours. Error just sat at a table, away from everyone else. Occasionally, Ink checked on him but he immediately got pulled away by the birthday friend. The prince didn't mind though, he needed to think about what would play next in his and Ink's life. Now that the two shared...the same feelings for each other...he needed to think about what would his brothers say. Would they be against it? What would his kingdom think? A male with a male partner? That's never been seen before...uh at least he hadn't heard of such a thing.

He sighed and drank some more of his wine. God, ice needed that terrible drink. Even Error knew his good drinks.

A person sat next to him, an unfamiliar face. The prince looked at them from the corner of his eyes, examining their features. The person ordered a beer and gave a tip to the bartender. They then suddenly spoke to Error, sharing their work and shop. Ah, it was one of these people. Trying to intrigue the wealthy to buy something from them, most of the time something really expensive or worthless.
Error knew of such people, he had encountered many in his past. But why ask Error? His clothes only described him as average townsfolk... They were probably desperate.

"Excuse me, I couldn't notice the scarf you were wearing. Is it made from Merino?" The person asked.

Error lightly nodded in response. "Yes, it is."

"Did you sew it, perhaps?" The monster asked after the reply.

The prince stared at him, wondering why it was needed to answer their questions. "...yes, I did.. Why do you ask?"

"Well, you see, I'm in need of a tailor..."

And there it was. Error had to decline fast before he somehow dug into a deeper hole. "Uh... I'm sorry but I'm not looking for a job at the moment..."

The person looked at him with a small smirk. "I thought you'd say that...well, name your price."

"Excuse me?" Error asked as if he was offended. Did that person not understand him? He didn't need a damn job-

"I'll be willing to pay 500 G per month. How does that sound?"

Seriously?! 500 G?! Well it does sound like good pay but- "I'm so sorry but like I said, I'm not looking for a job." Error stated, harsh tone visible.

The person sighed. They took their beer and stood up. "Ah well...I suppose I can't force you. Have a good night, sir." And left.

Error watched them walk towards another monster, probably asking the same thing. He sighed and drank more of his wine. What was his deal? A tailor? Me? No way.

Another figure sat beside him. Error growled lightly. He turned to face them and immediately his face softened. It was Ink who sat next to him this time. "Oh, it's you."

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