Chapter 25

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Chapter 25
Shopping Spree

Writer's pov;
A new day means new beginnings.

Error woke up in his new room, surprisingly relaxed and energized.
Did he always wake up like that? He wondered.

The prince got dressed and left the room.
Error went down the stairs and into the kitchen to be met with Ink. Is he making breakfast? He asked himself.

Error decided to ask. "Are you making breakfast?"

"Yeah!" Ink looked at him, smiling. "Do you like pancakes?"

"Uhm I guess?" Error answered. "Do you even know how to cook?"

Ink looked at him, sweat forming on his skull. He giggled and answered, "...I don't..." He stepped away from the stove and reviled the small fire inside the pan.

Error quickly put out the fire and then scolded the artist, "Why on earth are you trying to make pancakes when you can't?!"

"I tried because I wanted to make you a welcoming breakfast!" He said with a somewhat sad tone. He then started fidgeting with his fingers. "Now that you'll be living with me (until we solve the whole octopus thing), I wanted to do something for you..."

Error sighed before continuing, "Thank you for your attempt.....I guess... But you don't have to start fires for me."

"I wasn't trying to...!" A small blush appeared on the artist's face. He was clearly embarrassed.

"I know, I know... Here, let me make breakfast instead. You can sit at the table."

"Can I watch you? So next time I know how to prepare some pancakes?"

"Sure...Grab me some eggs, milk, flour, and the other stuff."

Error made the pancakes while Ink was observing him. He took notes while doing so.

After eating they left the house to go to the town's market.
It was filled with people.

The duo first looked for a new couch. They decided to get one for 900 gold.

Next on the list was buying clothes for the prince. They stopped at a small clothing store. Error picked some outfits and tried them on.

The first outfit;
• A white shirt, on top of it - a grey vest. His black pants complimented the shoes he wore.

The second outfit;
• A light blue shirt with a nice black and white faded scarf. His pants were the same. He also wore black gloves.

The last one;
• A simple navy red t-shirt with a black coat on top. He put on grey jeans which complimented the grey tiny scarf around his neck.

He ended up buying all of them.

"Can't I just paint you some?"

"No, your taste in clothes is sh*t."


I want your soul [ Errorink / Errink ]Where stories live. Discover now