Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
Ink's Doll

Error's pov:
This is getting out of hand...I thought to myself.

I was sitting on a rock, knitting a doll for the idiot. We were supposed to go to an old wizard but nooOoo. Stupid f*cking-

I ripped the cloth. "....f*ck..." I cursed out loud, receiving a light chuckle.
I sighed and took another one from the pile which Ink drew.

"Should I draw more cloths?" He asked while holding his tiny brush.

"I don't know..why am I doing this again?!?" I asked angrily.

" repay me for saving you! Also cus I want one..."

"Uh-hu...right..." I continued to sew. The needle I was working with wasn't really comfortable... "can you draw a smaller needle.."

"Sure thing, bud!" He happily said and drew one.

It was easier for me to use smaller needles...and it's a lot faster too.. I grabbed some white fabric and started sewing the base. Then I filled it with cotton.
How did I get it? Ink.

This guy was getting on my nerves if it wasn't obvious. If I could only ditch him...but I needed to get to the wizard Outer was talking about...

"You ok there?" Ink asked, tilting his head a bit to the left.

"No." I didn't bother to look at him.

"Why?" He asked once more.

"I will strangle you if you don't shut up." I threatened. He lifted his hands in surrender and went quiet.
I was almost done. The only things that were missing were the ink stain and his eyes.
For the stain, I thought of using a bit of ink and fabric but for his eyes...I didn't know. Should I use buttons? Cloth? Or...ugh... I decided to ask him, "Oi, what do you want for the eyes?"

"Oh! Uhmm maybe make them with shapes? I dunno." He shrugged.

I sighed. "Okay.."
I started cutting a blue and yellow cloth. I was going to make the left eye a blue oval and the right one, a yellow star.


I finished the doll. It was looking alright... "Here. Now can we please go?!" I gave him the doll.
Ink was really excited.
He grabbed it almost immediately and started playing with its hands, and a child with a new toy.
He hugged it at some point too...
I, honestly, didn't expect this kind of reaction...

He noticed me staring at him and cleared his throat. " a lil' too excited... heh.. And yeah...we can." There was a rainbow glow on his cheeks. I sighed and nodded.
We stood up and started walking again.
Writer's pov:
Ink put the doll in his bag a few hours ago. He kept telling Error how great it looked and stuff..

The two skeletons travelled for one more hour before taking a quick breather. Their path wasn't the greatest...

Error was slightly huffing. He asked Ink how much longer they had to walk.

Ink answered, "Uhm...I don't know...we still have ten more kilometres to walk."

Error went silent. He stared at the shorter one and asked(shouted), "...WHAT?!"

"Well yeah. You don't think it's that close to the humans right?"


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