Chapter 53

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Chapter 53
Mixed Emotions

Writer's pov:
Error was sitting on a stool while eating a small piece of bread with his chicken soup. He was inside the bunker's cafeteria area, where everyone else was.
He looked around, seeing all of the wizards chatting between each other but not any of his friends. He wondered where they were.

Sometime later, a group of monsters stood from their seats and walked towards Error's table. He took notice of them approaching, wondering what they wanted.

"Hey, mind if we sit with'cha?"  A male bunny asked, already sitting on the opposite seat.

Error wasn't going to protest when they were already sitting. "Go ahead."

Everyone smiled at him. Aside from the male bunny, at the table sat a female bear, a weird-looking bird, and two sea monsters.  Error couldn't tell if the sea monsters were normal fish or hybrids.

The male rabbit spoke again, introducing everyone to the prince. "My name is Polo, next to me is Daisy, and the twins - Olga and Arlo."

"Nice to meet you.." Error was wondering if he should tell them his real name.. "I'm Error."

They didn't seem surprised.

"Oh, the newbie in the training camp! I've heard about you." The fish hybrid- Arlo said, giving Error a wide smile.

"Yeah.. that's me.."

"I was wondering when we'd meet!"

"Yeah, yeah. Enough with your simping, Arlo." The other twin- Olga interrupted her brother. "Give the poor skeleton some space to breathe." She then smiled generously at the prince. "I'm sorry for coming here uninvited, Error. We wanted to thank you for aiding us yesterday... If it wasn't for you our village would've been..more destroyed."

Error sighed and waved his hand. "No need to thank me."

"But really though. Thank you." The bear- Daisy joined.

Error was about to say something when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, sweetie~ What'cha doing here?" From the sweet talkative voice, Error could tell it was Ást.

The group didn't greet the wizard as they did with Error. They only looked at him in.. disgust.

Polo, who coughed to grab his friend's attention, looked at the prince. "Ah.. we should get going.. we were going to go explore this...bunker. If you want, Error, come join us."

Error glanced at Ást, who blankly stared at the group with a small smile. He sighed and told them he'd think about it. When they walked away, Ást scoffed and sat on the stool next to the prince.

"Bunch of as*holes." He sighed and quickly changed his attitude. "Apologies for my rudeness, honey. How are you today?"

"Fine is the word I'd use..." Error said while stirring his chicken soup. "Well, decent is a better word of usage."

"I..see.." Ást coughed awkwardly. "W-Well, it could've been worse.."

"Yeah.. I guess." The prince couldn't complain because this was the best everyone would get. A secure place where nothing will harm them, not even a little creature could sneak its way in.

I want your soul [ Errorink / Errink ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant