Chapter 26

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Chapter 26
Avisit from a familiar face

Writer's pov:
It was a beautiful day at Undervill.
People were outside, spending their time with their friends or family.

Some worked, and others were relaxing at their homes.
One thing was for sure...inside the castle...people were panicking.

"God...what am I going to do..." Cross thought out loud.

"You can just explain to them why the prince disappeared." Sci suggested, trying to calm his friend.

"You know I can't do that! It'll probably make things worse!" The advisor sighed then continued "..and I was supposed to keep it a secret..."

"Well...they were going to find out eventually! We couldn't have prevented that."

"Y-yeah but! Uhg... This is irritating..." Cross groaned while dropping his head on a table.

"I know, I know! ...I just...don't want you to be blamed or something..." Sci exclaimed.

"I guess..." Cross sighed and sat straight again. "Thank you for caring... you're the best."

"Heh, I know!" The scientist proudly replied. "But still, I think we should tell them. At least to Fresh! He'll understand..."

"We could...but I don't know.."

"How about this, we'll both confess (and pray for the best)!" Sci suggested. He then smiled awkwardly.

" sound unsure of this..."

"What, no! No, no! Of... course not.." Sci stopped and looked away from the advisor, obviously unsure.

Xer sighed and they both walked out of the library where they were at.

They went into the throne room to see a panicking Fresh, pacing back and forth.

He didn't see them at first until a short while. "O-oh! Cross, Sci! Howz it goin?"

"Uhm ... fine? Look, uhm...Fresh? We...have to tell you something.." Sci started, feeling a bit guilty.

"...yes? What is it?" The king calmly said, there was still slight panic in his tone.

"Uhm...well... it's about Error." He was interrupted by the new king.

"Huh!? What about him!? Did you find him? Do you know where he is?"

"Calm down first! He's fine." Cross joined in.

"Yeah... he's fine. He just...uhm...." Sci stopped and looked at the advisor, who nodded at him.


"He is...looking for someone to help Geno... And uhm... he left (almost) three weeks ago..."

Fresh went quiet. His hands were
clenched into fists.

I want your soul [ Errorink / Errink ]Where stories live. Discover now