Chapter 55

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Chapter 55
Everything's against us, huh?

Writer's POV:
The duo had been walking for quite a while. Taking ten-minute breaks every two hours. It was mainly for Error. He wasn't like Ink... If you know what I'm trying to say, nor was he used to harsh labour. He was a noble, after all, not experienced with such working conditions.

Finally, after the second day, they took a longer break. Error lay on the grassy ground, head throbbing from all of the incidents they encountered during their travel.
For example: Some bandits tried to steal their 'goods' but ended up being beaten up in a mere instant, or a tree almost fell on Ink when he wanted to lean on it for support to carry all seven sacks. (It resulted in Error pushing the smaller one to the side while hurting his wrist. Thankfully, it was only a bruise), or that one time they had to cross a broad river with shallow depths but ended up almost losing one sack.
Yep, their journey was filled with 'excitement'.

Ink was scanning the sacks when he noticed a raven flying above his head. He was able to notice it due to the moonlight casting a shadow right where he was. He squinted his eyes and then frowned, cursing under his breath. He decided not to worry the exhausted skeleton, who was lying on the ground, instead joined him. He rested his head on Error's outstretched arm, using it as a makeshift pillow against the hard ground.

Ink had noticed that bird following them for two days straight, but he hadn't thought much of it. Now, upon closer inspection, he realized the bird wasn't merely an ordinary one, but rather someone who had shape-shifted into a raven. So all this time they had been followed. Thank goodness he had noticed sooner.

Error opened his eyes and looked at the troubled wizard, who was resting on his arm. "Are you okay?"

Ink snapped out of his thoughts and looked at him. He smiled, "Ah, yeah. I'm just thinking."

The prince mh-ed in acknowledgement, then stifled a yawn behind his hand. "So how much farther until we reach Joku?" He asked but as soon as he was about to say the name of the village, he got interrupted.

In a panic, Ink silenced him with a sudden press of his lips, catching Error off guard and causing him to emit a slight yelp.
They soon separated, only for Error to look at Ink in slight confusion.

"I, um—" The wizard stammered, his cheeks flushing at his unexpected reaction. "Uh... your lips seemed... lonely?"

Well, that was a subtle way to convey the message 'I needed you to be quiet' without actually saying it outright.

The prince raised a sceptical eyebrow. "Uh-huh..." Brushing it off, he attempted to continue with the question that had been interrupted, only to find himself silenced once again by the wizard's kiss. This time, their embrace lingered longer before they finally parted.

Irritated to be interrupted each time he wanted to ask, Error inquired, "Are you doing this on purpose?"

"No....?" Ink gave him a silly smile to confirm his statement.

The prince sighed and decided not to ask anymore. It wasn't that he detested the kisses, but because his mouth began to ache from the two times the smaller one kissed him. He had bumped his 'lips' way too hard.

I want your soul [ Errorink / Errink ]Where stories live. Discover now