Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
A Clue

Write's pov:
...oh boy...
In front of Error was standing a familiar star cloak. It was Outer.
"Need some help, pal?" He extended a hand to him.

Error was hesitant to grab it but in the end, he did so.
Outer pulled him up, Error immediately let go of his hand and asked," So...what are you doing here, young prin-"

"SHHHUT! Don't say another word or I swear-!"

The shorter skeleton laughed at the threat. "Alright, alright! Say, wanna grab a drink? I'll pay."

Error didn't really want to hang out with some guy but also didn't want to be recognized, so he just followed Outer.

They went to a nearby café.
Outer ordered for the both of them a cup of hot coffee. He started questioning the young prince and he tried answering questions from him.

Error wasn't in the mood to 'talk'. He needed to find that wizard. But he couldn't ignore the question in his mind. "How in the world did you get here? It took me three days just to get here!"

"'s a secret! Haha!"

Error looked at him with an annoyed face. Outer seemed to notice it and just sighed. He talked to Error more but the taller one just ignored him.

" about we make a deal!"

"...What kind of deal..?"

"Well... firstly, you seem to have a lot of questions for me, young prince. So how about you answer three of my questions first and then I'll answer three of yours? How about it?"

Error angrily sighed before agreeing.

"Alright! My first question is, are you that person called 'Era'?"

"....yes if it wasn't obvious enough." Error rolled his eyes.

"So I was correct! It was only a wild guess, which turned out to be true. Well... Anyway, my second question is, are you looking for a way to heal your brother's cracked soul?"

"HOW THE f*CK DO YOU KNOW THIS SH*T?!?" Error got defensive. He swore if this guy spied on them he'd do something unthinkable.

"Oh! Sci told me!" Outer stated.


"Yeah! I was paying him a visit and he told me all about it!"

"You- UGH! I don't care right now...what is your last question."

"Are you looking for...Ink?"

Error stood there, confused, "Who the f*ck is 'InK'?"

"Ah, you don't know...well.. the person you are looking for is 'Ink'! I don't know much about him but I can assure you, he might help!"

I want your soul [ Errorink / Errink ]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें