Chapter 20

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Chapter 20
Bonding Time

Writer's pov:
Error and Ink were now in the blocked-off cave. Error was panicking while Ink was completely calm as if he had expected that to happen.

"HOW?!? I DIDN'T EVEN SEE HIM?!?Shouted Error in anger.

"Well...uhm...He can camouflage himself...soo yeah...." Ink stated, making the prince glare at him.

"...and you're telling me this NOW?"

"HEY! You didn't ask anything about the dragon's abilities! So don't start blaming me!" Argued Ink, crossing his arms.

The two argued for a couple of minutes before deciding to go deeper into the cave. It was a lot bigger than it looked. Maybe there was another exit/entrance that they didn't know about... maybe? Well, we'll just have to find out.

Error's pov:
I and Ink went deeper into the cave, it was getting darker and darker as we walked. I asked Ink if he could use a light spell but he declined, saying, "Can't use magic to help ya, sorry!" 

Use it for yourself then, idiot! Well, whatever...I thought.

We continued walking further and further. Ink, at some point, grabbed the sleeve of my shirt, probably to not get lost or trip for the second time. Yes, he tripped on a rock twenty minutes did he not even see it??? Luckily, a small light appeared in the distance. We walked towards it. Finally, after getting a closer look at the cause of light, it appeared to be a tiny pool of lava.

"Finally! Light! Ink said.

He went closer to the pool and sat next to it, not too close of course. I decided to sit as well. Taking a short break wouldn't hurt.

It was quiet and peaceful... almost too peaceful. Ink looked around the place, not much to look at though. Only the ceiling, which was covered in stalactites and leaves, it looked kind of nice. Ink took out his sketchbook and started drawing stuff. I just sat there, looking at the ceiling.

Then, out of nowhere, he asked me, "Do you think light orange and dark brown would look good with each other?"

I was a bit confused as to why he'd ask me such a thing. I decided to answer him, "Depends on what you're colouring...I think?"

"Huh, yeah, correct!" He exclaimed, making me even more confused.

"...Why did u ask me if you already knew the answer?"

" test you?"


"Mhm! ....." Ink went quiet, focusing on drawing.

Nothing much happened after that. Just him drawing with a pencil. I started messing around with my strings, making some sort of shapes. It was like a little distraction.

I noticed Ink looking at my strings, probably curious of what I was doing. He then asked, "What'cha making?"

"Nothing much. I'm just messing around with the strings."  I didn't know why I answered him honestly.... I shrugged that thought off.

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