Chapter 52

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Chapter 52
The Start of a War

Writer's pov:
After a month of investigation, they finally had a lead on who this 'N' person was. Mr Bàrlowe was sent to jail for harming innocents and his temporary house was taken into custody for a search. They found papers on this 'cure' and the truth behind it.

Ink and Lust had gone to Quartz village, also to apprehend Sir Quartz on suspicion of being a traitor. But that wasn't the case for him. He was being mind-controlled, assuming from 'N'. His apprentice took leadership until Sir Quartz was released.

Back to what they found in the house, in the office room there had been documentations about the effects of the 'cure' and its capabilities. Also the ingredients for making it, along with a jar filled with mysterious black liquid. When the jar was opened by one of the guards, it latched onto the guard's hand and slowly crawled towards their chest area. Luckily it was detached from them before anything else happened. No one dared to open it for a second time.
After that experience, the jar was locked away.

Dream had been researching that mysterious liquid for days. He analyzed it several times, until finally knowing how to 'kill it'. During those days of research, he hadn't had the time to properly go on meetings with the other elder wizards. Ink, being Dream's assistant and right hand man, attended those meetings and reported back to Dream, leaving nothing behind from their conversations.
Although not being liked amongst the elders, Ink had to suck his pride and act mature for the sake of Joku.

And now, here was Error. He had been sent to his castle a week before Bàrlowe's arrest, in case something bad were to occur. He had been helping his brothers with the castle work (the usual desk work), and even helping out the staff.
The prince felt bored in his homeland. There wasn't much he could do there. The first days he strolled around his kingdom, like the good old times, but sadly after the third day he got bored.
Error then had occupied himself in his studies, like he would had before leaving Undervill, but that quickly got repetitious.

His brothers were doing fine. Geno was healing fast and soon he was expected to take over the kingdom, Fresh was ready to pass it down to him at any time. The coronation ceremony was decided to take place during spring. Everyone was looking forward to it.

It seemed that everything in Undevill was going great. There were no human attacks since the last time Error had been there, his brother was healing splendidly, and Fresh was becoming less and less of an annoyance to him. Everything was almost perfect... except for the lack of someone certain. Yes, Ink.

Ink hadn't visited Error since the last time they saw each other (in a week). He wondered if everything was okay at Joku.

Error was now in the library, studying on his own as he would usually do. His brothers visited him once in a while, just to check if he was doing alright.

The prince sighed and placed the pen he was using on the table. He stretched his arms out and slightly slid on the chair, now sitting like a slob. He had been practicing his Spanish for the past week and he could confidentially say one sentence without any help. An achievement for him to say the least.

He heard footsteps from behind. Turning around, he saw G.

"¿Cómo estás?" The taller skeleton asked, sitting on the chair without an invitation. Not that Error bothered to give one to him anyway.

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