Chapter 44

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Chapter 44
I'll Support You

Writer's pov:
It was about time Error went back to his kingdom, to check up on his brothers. He was standing outside of Ink's house, waiting on him to walk out. Ink needed to grab something before teleporting to Undervill. What? Who knew?

Error sat on the ground, one leg up to his chest while the other lay on the grass. He watched the townsfolk attend to their duties. He was a little concerned for them, now that they had lost their magic, would it affect their daily life badly? Right now almost everyone was like the prince, not welding any powerful magic in that sense. It was a little strange for him, a wizard town but normal monsters now lived in it. It certainly was a first.

He heard Ink stepping closer to the front door, so he quickly sat up. He saw the short skeleton walk out while holding a grey book.

"What's with the book?" Error asked curiously.

Ink locked the door and turned to him. "Oh, just a normal book. I need to return it to the Library when we get back."

"We can now if you want?" Error suggested.

"Oh, no it's fine. I'll just do this." The wizard made the book vanish from his hand. He then took Error's hand and teleported the two into the castle. They saw two guards right in front of them looking startled. "Oops, sorry guys! Didn't mean to scare you." Ink immediately apologized.

The two guards bowed to Error and left quickly. Error started walking towards the office to see if Fresh was there. He opened the doors, first knocked to be polite, and saw Fresh with his other brother, Geno. They turned to look at who entered and their faces immediately lit.

"Error! When did you get here?" Geno asked while standing up and walking towards Error and Ink.

"Just now. I see you can walk on your own, huh bro?" Error asked embracing the hug from his older brother.

"I can! The medics were surprised at my fast recovery, which was a little funny." The former king said with a slight chuckle. He let go of his brother and noticed Ink right next to the door. "Oh, Ink! Come inside, no need to be formal."

"Thank you." Ink thanked him.

The three walked up to the desk where Fresh was doing paperwork. He greeted the two and got back to work. Geno sat down on one of the chairs, Error on the other. Ink politely declined to sit down.

"So, what brings you two here?" Geno asked, looking at the two.

"Well, I came here to check on you and see if you're recovering." The prince stated. He then looked at Ink, who was standing next to him. "Ink wanted to ask you something, however."

The wizard nodded and looked at the former king. He then summoned a scroll and gave it to Geno. "A message from Dream."

"Hm, thank you." The other opened it and started reading. He looked at Ink and smiled, "We can make this work. But we'd like something in return."

"Yes, of course. What is it?"

"I'll give you a scroll later. For now, what have you two been up to? Have you visited new places? I'd like to know!" The former king asked enthusiastically. Of course, he'd like to know, he'd been in bed for months and would like to know everything he had missed.

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