Chapter 45

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Chapter 45
A Nice Surprise

Writer's pov:
Error walked inside one of the closest bookstores. He searched for Ink but could find him so he went inside another, and another, and another. But no sign of the wizard. He groaned and went inside the last bookstore in the town. He looked everywhere but found nobody. And what he meant by nobody, literally nobody as if the worker was never there in the first place.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" He called out but nobody answered him. Strange...

He heard faint footsteps coming from the small hallway behind the cashier's desk, and then a short monster hybrid appeared. She saw the prince and apologized. "O-oh! So sorry, sir. I didn't hear you come in..uh, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Yes actually, I'm looking for a skeleton, almost as tall as you, with an ink mark on his cheek. Perhaps you have seen him?" Error asked, hoping that the lady had seen Ink.

She thought for a moment but shook her head. "Sorry sir, I haven't seen any skeletons all day. Maybe you can request a search party for them?"

"No, it's alright. Thank you." Error thanked the kind lady and walked out of the shop. He sighed and murmured under his nose, "..where the hell are you.."

He started heading back to the castle. Perhaps it is a good idea to request a search party ..but it's Ink who we're talking about. That shorty probably forgot why he was here and left for Joku. Error walked away from the shop, heading straight towards the castle. He kept looking around each corner in case he spotted the wizard until he accidentally bumped into a person.

"Oh, my apologies. I wasn't-"

Speaking of Ink, he was right in front of him.

Ink chuckled and apologized as well, "No, I'm sorry. I didn't pay attention to where I was going." He looked at the person who he had bumped into. Ink got surprised to see Error standing in front of him. "Oh, Error! What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same." The prince crossed his arms angrily.

Ink smiled then awkwardly chuckled. "Oh, you know............." Error raised a bone brow, waiting for him to continue. "Uh.......just- looking around is all! Y-yeah.."

"Uh-huh..." Error didn't believe him. He noticed Ink holding something and was about to ask what it was when the artist hid it behind h back. "... what was that?"

"What? What was what?" Ink tried playing dumb but it didn't work out for him.

"The thing you were holding, what is it?"

"Nothing! Uh, see-" The short skeleton showed his hand and there was nothing indeed.

Error grabbed Ink's sleeve and felt a small thing hiding inside. "Right..." He sighed and let go. "If you don't want to tell me, it's fine. I don't care."

"Uh, I don't know what you're even talking about but- Okay!" Ink smiled, still trying to play dumb. He took Error's hand and led them somewhere else. "We should go now, come on."

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