Chapter 30

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Chapter 30
Ink's Origin P.2

Writer's pov;
Ink and Dream had been travelling for quite some time. They stumbled upon some obstacles but that didn't stop them. 

Dream decided to return to his house. It would be for the best. They walked to Dream's home. It was a large cut trunk. This would've amazed Ink if he could feel.

They entered the trunk and Dream led Ink to the living room. "Make yourself at home! I'll prepare some tea for us." Dream said while walking towards the kitchen. Ink sat on the sofa, looking around the room. He then stared in the direction Dream headed.




Dream went into the kitchen. He grabbed the tea kettle and poured water into it. Then, with a little bit of magic, the water started boiling. He grabbed a few buttercup petals and put them in the boiling water. Then, he pointed at two tea cups and they started floating.

Dream walked out of the kitchen, the tea cups following behind him. He walked to the dining table and noticed Ink staring at him."Sorry, I took so long! Hehe..." He laughed awkwardly. To be honest, it's been a while since he had a guest over. It felt nice.

Dream put the kettle on the coffee table and the tea cups as well. Then he sat down, relaxing on the chair. He looked at Ink, who was staring hard at him. It was a little awkward... "Uhm... I think It'll be wise to rest for a while before we continue our journey. Wouldn't you agree?"

Ink nodded slowly. He didn't move at all. It was like he became a rock or something.

Dream sat straight, grabbed the kettle, and poured tea for the both of them. He then looked out of the window behind Ink; It was going to rain. These past days were rainy. It was autumn after all.

Dream put the kettle back on the table and lifted a hand. A book immediately appeared in his hand. He then opened it to a random page and read out loud, "A soul is the embodiment of humans and monsters. Without it, a being cannot exist." 

He looked at Ink, who was still staring at him. "But you're alive, even without it. I think if I make an artificial soul, similar to a regular one, you'll be able to feel emotions. But the problem is... I don't know what to make it from... I could mix some potions and perhaps maybe use special artefacts...but I still need something to power it. Like a strong magical that wouldn't work...He sighed and looked through the book once more.

Ink didn't seem to care, or pay attention. He just stared at Dream without a care in the world.

Dream sighed again and closed the book, then made it disappear. He took his cup and drank some tea. Ink copied his movement. The wizard then asked, "Is the tea good?He paused as if he remembered something important."I forgot to bring the sugar holder..."

He snapped his fingers and the sugar holder appeared on the table.
"There we go! If it isn't sweet, you can add some sugar to your tea."

Ink looked at the sugar cubes, then back at Dream. Dream gave him a warm smile and nodded.
Ink grabbed two cubes and put them in his tea. Then took a sip. No reaction. Dream took one more sip before placing his cup on the table. He stood up and gestured for Ink to follow him.


Dream led Ink to a guest room, "You can sleep here. My room is at the end of the hallway. If there's anything, please let me know!He patted Ink's skull and walked down the stairs to get his unfinished tea.

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