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Some days ago

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Some days ago

"So Anna, huh?" Veronica rounded the couch slowly, my eyes following her body as it moved like a fuckin' tiger about to pounce on its prey, "Never really pegged you for the type to go for church girls--but, to each their own, I suppose."

My jaw clenched. It was hot in this room, I felt like I was fucking suffocating. The only thing on my mind at that time was that Anna was in the other room with Ajax, while I was stuck in the red room with one of the girls I used to fuck.

I didn't want to be here.

I wanted to be out there with Anna. Making sure she was okay.

I stayed silent, legs crossed over each other as my arms tucked their way under my pits. Veronica gazed at me with her dangerously glossy eyes before sitting neatly down next to me. Her arm slithered like a snake till it was around my shoulder. My body tightened, glancing towards her out of the corner of my eye.

I knew what she was doing and it wasn't going to work.

"Remember all the fun times we used to have together?" She oozed, "I miss that. What happened to us, baby?"

"There was never any us, Veronica," I hissed out, shrugging her arm off my shoulders quickly before scooting my body away to create some distance, "And Anna is just--She's..."

I pinched my brows in thought. I never really thought about what Anna was to me. It always just came so naturally between me and her. It was so natural to be around her, like I could be someone I've always wanted to be--sort of domesticated in a way. When I think about her, she really makes my palms sweat in a way that they've never done before. Loss of words is another example, too. I feel like I always know what to say, but with her, she leaves me speechless.

My heart races around her, I find my mind running at a pace that I can't simply keep up. Just at the thought of her, I found my chest hammering. My palms started to sweat slightly, my hand balled into a fist as I placed it firmly onto my thigh to hide.

"She's different," I breathed out. Anna was different. I've said it to myself before, and I would say it again. The memories me and Veronica had together was, at the time, the best in my life. But shit changed. I changed. Veronica was the woman I ran too when I wanted to get high and fuck. We clicked in that way.

She was the one that got me high, off substance and her body. Anna feels more like a natural high. I don't need to sniff anything to feel the way that I do when I'm with her. She's just so...Anna.

Veronica's laugh cut me out of my thoughts. Her laugh erupted, ringing my ears. I let out a irritated sigh, rolling my eyes as I placed a knuckle to my tired eyes.

"That's so boring," Veronica cackled out, "Do you really think that she can give you what you want? Just because she comes in here in a dress that barely covers her ass doesn't mean I can't see straight through her fuckin' act."

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