Chapter 13 The Prairie King (13)

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Baji waited in the clan until it was dark and did not wait for the king. He was shocked, and he took the initiative to lead the army to find Wu Licuo in the dark.

Harley stayed where he was, watching the hordes of torches move away. Princess Heyi

was far away from him, and couldn't help but feel anxious, "Where are they?"

Ha Lai, "If I knew where the king and the others were, I would still be standing here?!"

Several big white eyes.

Baji has grown up on the grassland since he was a child. The group of people behind him are all familiar with the terrain of the grassland to the core. They hurried to the Chaerga Lake, and they were anxious to find where the king could go. place.

For fear that it is too late, the king will be in danger.

Wulituo is indeed "dangerous" now.

He was lying on Wei Yunbai's body, his head was pressed, he didn't want to let go of the pleasure of enjoying the drunken beauty's knees, "Oh?" His

chest vibrated with a smile, "Wei Yunbai, this king likes your enthusiasm.

" As long as you lie down obediently, this king will 'please' you."

Starting from Wei Yunbai's hands, he licked every skin on his body.

Can suck out a wonderful sweet taste.

Wu Licuo swallowed and kissed the place in front of him through his clothes.

The system screamed, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you are going to be wiped

away by him!!!"

Cloud Bai paused.

have a finger in the pie.

His pause directly fueled Wulituo's ambitions. Wulituo turned over and took him for a few laps. They almost rolled into the woods at the edge where the firelight could shine.

Wu Licuo originally just wanted to scare him, "Dare to pinch my chin, you are very courageous."

But now, "This king has to ask you for some interest."

Wei Yunbai's hair was messy, half of his eyes were full of white moonlight, half of which was hot fire, Wu Licuo lowered his head and kissed his eyes, his lips were fiery, Hot Wei Yun's white eyelids trembled slightly.

This image of being kneaded by others really hit Wu Licuo's heart. Wu Licuo's messy kiss fell on his face, his eyelids, eyebrows, cheeks, and his lips were pressed against his lips, panting heavily: "This king wants you, I want you, I will marry you as the Ye family, Wei Yunbai, Yunbai, come, open your mouth and let me kiss you." The

system said, "Stinky rascal! Beasts are worse! People are old and pearly!! !"

Wei Yunbai turned his head, his shoulders trembled, as if he was extremely angry.

Wu Licuo was sweating hotly, "You will give me the answer when the sun is up. Three days have passed, Wei Yunbai, just let me kiss and I will give you one more day."

Wei Yunbai said The breath hit Wu Licuo's face, and even Wu Licuo was incredulous. He would be so hungry when he continued to induce, "I only kiss you, and I won't do anything else."

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