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Justin's (POV):

Ever since me and Ryan's kissed it's been the biggest joke at our house. The guys constantly were asking me how Ryan's lips felt, even the stars were making jokes. Darren was the worst of all because he was constantly feeding into it forcing Ryan to cling onto me like he does Ryan. Usually I can ignore it, but with the memes I seen on discord, TikTok, Instagram and many other places I knew I wasn't escaping this soon. Walking into the gaming room shutting the door behind me happy that this was the one place I could get some peace and quiet from those meatheads. Turning on the monitor and the system cracking my knuckles ready to play some Valorent. Grabbing the mouse smiling as I turned on the computer system and the monitor ready to play, but suddenly Darren walked in grinning from ear to ear.

"Heeey buddy."

Darren said stopping in the middle of the room his hands in his pockets. Leaning over wanting to see if he'd left the door open and he indeed left it wide open for everyone else to come running in. Rolling my eyes ignoring him focusing on the computer clicking on the game. Out the corner of my eye I could see Darren inching closer towards me stopping for a second before proceeding to get closer until he was so close I could hear him breathing. He grabbed my hand snatching the mouse unplugging it from the computer. He raised his hand caressing my cheek with the tips of his fingers then slowly bringing them down he lifted my chin forcing me to stare into his eyes.

"Bro what is wrong with you Darren?!"

I yelled out swatting away his hands feeling like I'd been locked in a room with this guy. It was like since he came back from Texas everyone has become weird, well of course except me I was probably the only normal person in this house. Reaching for the mouse when Darren grabbed my hands holding them up inching closer his face getting way to close to mine. Pushing him away taking off my slide and tossing it at his back full force annoyed with how he was constantly taking time out of his day to annoy me. Focusing on the task at hand I grabbed the controller clicking  on Valorent waiting for it to load. 

"Come on don't act like that! You enjoyed me making your heart flutter."

Darren said inching closer but backed off quickly when I started to glare at him. No longer in the mood to deal with Darren's antics I grabbed a cushion from the chair next to me and tossed it at him. He dodged it, but wasted no time running out of the room with lightning speed leaving me to be in the room alone once more or so I thought. Seb appeared in the doorway a mischievous smile on his face as he bent down and picked up the cushion walking into the room slowly. He took the seat next to me his eyes burning a hole in the side of my face as he pressed his fingers together.

"Hey Justin, want to play spin the bottle I'll call Ryan in here if you want."

Sebastian said pushing himself off the desk then reaching over snatching the mouse  out of my reach with a malicious smile creeping on his face. Standing up giving him a death stare wanting so badly to punch him in his smug face, but I knew better than to act because the consequences was losing my spot in NSB. Sighing I sat back down my in my chair rubbing my eyes shaking my head in dismay wishing I'd just went into my room instead and watched a movie or something.

"Bruh Seb go away, your not funny bro I don't know how many times I have to hurt your ego."

I said crossing my arms staring up at him annoyed by his presence now. All I wanted to do was play my game, instead I'm being tormented by the parrot from Rio two. As if he was a good comedian, he always thought he was the funniest person in the room when he definitely wasn't. While he was distracted I reached out to snatch the mouse back , but he was too quick and quickly held the mouse up holding it up in the air waving it teasingly.

"Your such a fucking asshole Seb."

I said calmly leaning forward staring into his eyes wanting to tackle him to the ground. Seb suddenly let out a heavy sigh running his hands through his hair looking down at me. Who did this guy think he was? He came in here buggin' as if I'm not going to end him or has he not learned his lesson after he seen what I did to Darren. Standing up smacking the table walking closer to Seb, in response he took a step back.

"Look I'll give you this if you tell me honestly, do you have feelings for Ryan?"

Sebastian said leaning forward now hiding the mouse behind his back looking down at me smiling evilly. Pushing him away angrily throwing a mouse pad at his face clipping his feet causing him to lose his balance, but he didn't fall as like I was expecting him to. He just looked over at me in disbelief then pushed his hair out of his face scoffing.

"Alright, Justin chill — look I'll give this back if you make a bet with me. You have to prove that their are no romantic feelings between you and Ryan. If you win the bet I'll ... pay you five hundred, come on — if you really think your able to win this bet and make some easy money."

Sebastian said waving the mouse in my face dancing as he seen the wheels turning in my head. There was no need for me to really take this stupid bet knowing Seb was just lookin for something entertain his stupidity. Then again he was right this was a easy bet to win, because there was no way their was any type of romantic feelings between me and Ryan. If we were going to make this even ... then I'd make Seb go through torture just like he was making me go through it.

"Alright, but since I'm taking your bet let's double the stakes. You have to make Darren fall in love with you, and the stakes will be the five hundred dollars plus the loser has to be the other servant for a month with no back talk. Within five months I have to prove to you there's nothing between me and Justin and you have to get video proof of Darren confessing his love for you."

I said holding out my hand with a devious smile waiting for him to shake my hand. I could easily prove to him that their was no romantic feelings between me and Ryan, but I'd enjoy seeing him trying to throw himself at Darren. This was going to be absolutely fun to watch, not to mention I'd get five hundred dollars out of this as well as Sebastian as my servant. Hesitatingly Sebastian shook my hand slowly sitting the mouse on the table walking out of the room, I could see the look of regret on his face as he exited the room.

"This would be easy money."

The next day I felt extra excited to get up out of bed fully motivated. When the eight a.m. meeting ended I got Ryan to make a TikTok with me, a friendly type TikTok to remind everyone we were just friends. It was simple to prove their was no romantic feelings toward him, but I couldn't help but notice that Sebastian was getting oddly close to Darren who didn't like it one bit. Man, this was so entertaining to watch and I already had plans to make Seb wear a maid outfit again and record TikTok's that he wouldn't be able to to delete until next year.  While Tyler was in a meeting up in his office we were downstairs getting ready to film for our group channel.

"Sebastian!! Bro stoop!!"

Darren said in a feminine voice rubbing Sebastian's arm. Sebastian looked at me out the corner of his eyes and I could visibly see he was uncomfortable, but he knew what the consequences was if he quit this early. With a weary sigh he pulled Darren close wrapping his arms around his waist smiling as him and for the first time ever Darren blushed backing down.

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