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Darren's (POV):

I'd been feeling sick these past few months not sure why the hell I'm sick like this. It was completely weird .. sick in the morning, bloating,  and my fucking pecks felt really sensitive. It hurt to touch them, I was glad that I'd went to the doctor while the boys went to do that interview without me because I wasn't feeling to well. I just didn't want to believe what she'd told me — it couldn't be possible —


"Darren Liang!"


"Well after running some test — ah well Darren are you sexually active right now?"

"No — "

"Well have you been in the past few months — "

"I —- well yes —- "

"This is the first case I've ever seen, but I've heard of it before and heard people talk about having a few of this types of things happen. I feel like it's better if I just show you."


"Alright this is going to be cold, just take a deep breath and relax."

"Here we are ... your about 13 weeks along your almost ready for your second trimester, your due date will beeee .... May twenty fifth."

"Wait I can't be—"

"Congratulations your pregnant, it's not a very known thing, it's rather rare. You are a man, but you also have a female reproductive system which is why you are able to get pregnant. Look I know this is a shock to you right now, but I'm going to come back with your ultrasounds and some pamphlets telling you about the experience your body will go through. I will call Dr. Rubbery and get a pamphlet for you on male pregnancy, but please take this time to tell the father or mother the news it's best you tell them now."


End of Flashback...

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I thought back to that terrible day. I'd taken five pregnancy test that day and went to three different doctors only to be told the same thing. On top of this pregnancy thing, Sebastian wouldn't leave me the fuck alone. He was hovering around me like a nat constantly asking if I'm ok, if there was anything he could do for me. I just wanted him to leave me the hell alone, it's his fault I'm in this predicament now I can't believe he was actually trying so hard to fix our friendship. Rolling onto my side to see Sebastian sitting in the chair at the head of my bed passed out a book covering his stomach being held up by two fingers.

"This is all your fault."

I whispered pushing myself up from the bed staring at Sebastian trying my best to not wake him up knowing he'd only annoy me to death. Carefully walking into the bathroom shutting the door behind me gently locking it so that he couldn't just walk in. Leaning over the sink staring at my reflection in the mirror taking off my shirt turning to the side to look at my stomach tears rolling down my cheeks as it hit me that I'd actually be a father soon. Hiding this wasn't going to be easy once I really start showing, I wasn't even completely sure that I wanted to tell Sebastian or anyone for that matter.

"Hey Darren everyone wants to go out and eat at this place Oliver found, are you —"

Grabbing a hotel bathroom robe snatching it off the hanger wrapping it around my waist tying it angrily. Sighing I threw open the door cutting off Sebastian pushing him aside walking over to my suitcase regretting letting Justin and Ryan talk me into sharing a room with this imbecile. Steadily getting onto my knees wanting to be as careful as I could possibly be. Unzipping my suitcase pulling out underwear, socks, a pair of new shoes I'd bought last year I'd never gotten to wear, a loose black silk shirt and black pants hoping this would make me feel a little slimmer.

"Ah that's cute Darren."

Sebastian said taking a seat on the edge of the bed crossing his legs watching me closely. It seemed like he was always just hovering over me, I was sick of it!! Dammit could he just leave me the hell — aah! I hissed as my elbow hit the nightstand. Rubbing the back of my elbow wanting to cry, Sebastian just covered his mouth to keep from laughing out loud.

"Darren — I'm sorry are you ok?"

Sebastian said bending down reaching out to message my elbow, but I quickly smacked his hand away grabbing my clothes and dashing into the bathroom slamming the door shut. I'm going to kill Justin and Ryan as soon as we get home!! If they'd just left it alone I'd be in a room with Kane, someone I'd rather put up with than fucking Sebastian! Walking over to the shower turning the knob backing away putting my clothes onto the chair neatly then stripping out of my robe and pants hoping that my stomach didn't show much in these clothes.

I'd taken a long shower to wash off the stress knowing it's not good for the baby. I also needed to take vitamins and other medicine to help keep the baby and I healthy and strong. As I threw the pills into my mouth chugging down a whole bottle of water wincing as the pills slid down my throat. Stuffing my pills back into my bag then tossing them over near my suitcase taking one last look in the mirror hoping no one would notice how much weight I'd gained. Putting my hand over my stomach rubbing it feeling scared wondering if I shouldn't have run out of that clinic that day. No!! That's wrong, I couldn't do that I'd never do that I'd never go back I promised myself that.

"Darren why are you crying?"

Sebastian said in a brisk tone walking over to me pulling me closer wiping away my tears with his fingers. Pushing away not wanting comfort I wanted him to just stop trying to comfort me so much, if he'd just —- just —-

"Darren, look I'm sorry I don't want things to be like this between us anymore just please let me hold you."

Sebastian said pulling me into a hug holding me tightly in his arms the smell of his cologne brought back memories of how we were before flashing in my mind. I wanted him to know he'd be a father, but it wasn't that easy how do I explain to him that I'm carrying his child. He'll think I'm some type of freak, and never want to speak to me plus maybe it's better if he didn't know now.

"Sebastian please just — we can't do this I've told you it's better if we let old things die. It won't do anyone any good especially me right now, just forget about any good moments we had together because you ruined everything lying to me."

I said blunt manner pushing him away walking pass him grabbing my wallet stuffing it into my pocket. Reaching out for the door turning back to look at Sebastian who was just standing in the middle of the room staring at me a rather with a dejected smile.  Turning back around holding back the tears forcing myself to walk out the door slamming it shut behind me wanting to forget it all, but it was hard to do so when I'm expecting.  Walking down the hallway wiping away my tears with the back of my sleeve not wanting the guys to see me like this knowing it wouldn't be good for Seb because they'd immediately assume it was because of him, even though it'll be entirely true I just wanted a peaceful night.

"Hey Darren, you look really good. Alright boys let's not wait to long we have a reservation let's get there on time."

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