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Justin's (POV):

It felt like we'd spent so little time here even though we'd spent five more days here to just go and have fun. We got to see things we didn't go see before and I enjoyed it all, but what I enjoyed most was having Oliver by my side to get me through the rough times.  I'd completely forgotten why I was upset before and didn't care anymore, Oliver was amazing I wouldn't trade him in for the world.

Rolling over onto my side running my fingers along Oliver's jaw line smiling as memories of last night started to flash. The way he held me, the way he was gentle and rough the more I thought about last night the more I wanted him to just be mine. Looking down realizing because of the memories of last night I'd gotten a hard on, sadly Oliver was sleep. There was no way to just wake him up to get him to help me with this, I'd have to deal with it myself or maybe .. hmmm

"Don't even think about it?"

Oliver said his eyes wide open as he stared back at me reaching for my hand grabbing it tightly holding it behind my back. He  sat up sleepy eyed rubbing his eyes with his other hand still holding my arm behind my back. Flipping myself onto my stomach arching my back smiling deviously as I wiggled my ass in the air feeling the air hitting my cheeks.  Oliver carefully guided me pushing my back down further slapping the tip of his member on my  ass before sliding it in.

"Aaahh ~"

"Ffuck your still so tight, ffuck it's wrapping around me so tightly I might —- fffuck — Justin — eas up on me."

Oliver moaned sliding his member out of me panting as he slapped the tip of his member on my ass again. Reaching back carefully spreading my ass for him looking back staring into his eyes begging to have his member inside of me. Oliver gave me a small smile then proceeded to slide it in again this time a little rougher bucking his hips like a beast his tip hitting my spot over and over again. My legs were still a little unstable from last night, but I didn't care if he had to carry me all the way down I needed him.

"Aaahh ffuck Justin!! Dammit your clamping down on me again your ass is so fucking slippery and soft even after last night."

Oliver moaned as he spread my legs apart smacking my ass harder each time I tried to run. The more he hit the spot the more my legs started to give I fell over gripping the sheets and biting the edge of the pillow as he  slammed is member inside of me deepening his strokes as his movements started to make me tear up all over again.

"Oliver!! Justin!! We can't be late to our flight hurry up and start packing!!"

I heard Tyler yell out and suddenly Oliver's movements got more Rough with his movements and my toes started to curl, my legs started to shake and my eyes rolled into the back of my head as he hit the spot again and again the feeling of his tip hitting the spot was sending chills throughout my body I couldn't control. It felt like he'd snatched my soul from my body I couldn't even think straight to try and escape.

"I'm cumming!!"

He yelled out laying down on top of me pushing himself deeper inside of me holding his hand over my mouth as I began to scream and cry out kicking my feet. Oliver was hitting spots I didn't even know was there it felt like the more he moved the more my body wouldn't listen to me. Gripping onto his arm as I kicked my feet and curled my toes unable to stop my legs from shaking as I came my eyes rolling into the back of my head as warm liquid started to spill form my hole.

"Aah ~ I'm not done with you yet."

He whispered before kissing the tip of my ear bucking his hips wildly the sound of his body hitting mine  sounding as if we were in a stadium full of people as he filled me up once more and warm liquid started to cover my stomach as I came over and over again.

"Ooollyy ~ Fffuck ~ "

I moaned covering my mouth, but the words had slipped out. Olly pressed his cold lips to my ear, back of my neck, the middle of my back and on my left cheek. He sat up and slowly slid his member out of my entrance the warm liquid leaking out over my ass and onto the sheets the smell of musk and sweat filling the  room. I wanted to get up right away to get dressed, but as soon as I tried to stand up my legs started to shake.

"Don't worry about it, just go get in the shower I'll clean up the mess and join you in the shower later."

Oliver said walking over to me running his fingers  through my hair then pressing his lips onto my forehead before turning his attention back to the messy room. Sighing I walked or at least tried to walk to the shower stripping out of my clothes looking at the hickeys and bite marks all over my inner thigh, neck, and ass. Turning on the water as I stepped in carefully cleaning my body still not able to feel my legs a little. I could hear Olly shuffling around the room then it went silent and he appeared at the door naked his member standing up right.

"Looks like before we leave this trip, I'm going to have to teach you to behave yourself."

Oliver said shutting the door and locking it behind him. Rolling my eyes immediately regretting it when he walked into the shower and slammed me against the glass shower wall pulling out handcuffs and cuffing me to the rag rack.

"Looks like I'm also going to have to correct your attitude as well."

"Aaah ~"


Me and Oliver were the last ones to get downstairs and we both could tell by the look on Tyler's face we'd be punished. Luckily though we'd arrived on time and still managed to catch our flights, I was more happy that we were finally head back home because we still needed to explain everything to the guys. Justin was planning on telling Ryan tomorrow after we got home then we'd all break the news to the media team, Tyler, and the rest of the boys who were out of the loop.  I was just hoping for things to go well after this because we'd have a lot to do to make sure this is kept between us and no one else knows until we are ready.

"What are you thinking about?"

Sebastian asked me his eyes still closed, but he was tapping his finger along to the music blasting from his headphones. I should of known he wasn't sleep, but I guess it's good to at least be able to talk to him.

"A lot, I know you don't really approve of the way I've taken Justin from Ryan. Just understand that Justin needed me and Ryan had broken his heart so I -"

"Wanted to feel the void, well I'm glad you realized it's still not because he was broken. I can't say I don't approve, it's just are you honestly ready to deal with what's gonna happen next when Ryan hears that Justin's pregnant?"

Staring out the window wondering if I was going to be able to handle what happens. It never fails that drama comes and goes, but this was going to change everything.

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